
bargain for造句

bargain for造句

更新时间:2025-03-16 21:05:05


bargain for造句

  • 1、But coverage on a parent's policy would likely be a betterbargain for many.(但是对很多人来说,享受父母的保险似乎是更好的廉价产品。)
  • 2、I didn'tbargain for his arriving so soon.(我没有料到他会到得那么早。)
  • 3、The rule here is not tobargain for such a chain, but certainly a customer won't be asked to pay much.(像这样的一条铁链在这里是不讲价的,因为它本身的要价就不高。)
  • 4、You'll get more than youbargain for.(你会得到比你所预料的更多。)
  • 5、Some friends have come to dinner, but I did notbargain for so many.(一些朋友来聚餐,但我没有料到他们来得这么多。)
  • 6、It's cost will hopefully create abargain for the buyer, yet still be enough to provide the seller with a profit.(它的成本有望创造一个讨价还价的,对买方来说,但仍然足以向卖方的利润。)
  • 7、This rare piece of architecture recently sold for $135, 000—quite thebargain for a ride into the future.(这样珍奇的太空屋最近以135,000美元出售——对于通往未来的旅程,它算是很便宜的了。)
  • 8、We ran out of food at the party because I didn'tbargain for so many people turning up.(在宴会上我们的食物不够,因为我没有料到会有这么多人来。)
  • 9、In traditional markets, you can usuallybargain for the best price.(在传统市场,你通常都能议到最优惠的价格。)
  • 10、We don't get to relax, but we come away feeling as if we got abargain for our precious time.(我们不去休闲,但我们离开时感觉到好像我们是在跟我们的宝贵时间讨价还价。)
  • 11、That would be abargain for Europeans, who generally face higher fuel tax rates.(这对于欧洲人是超值的事,因为他们一般面临更高的燃油税率。)
  • 12、Bob and Beth continue tobargain for over an hour and Bob won't compromise.(鲍伯和贝丝继续谈判了一个小时,但鲍伯不愿让步。)
  • 13、Get it wrong, and you'll have tobargain for attention.(假如你做了错的事,你就不得不去费力地引起对方的注意。)
  • 14、In the surrounding streets you can buy a sari, have a suit made,bargain for electronics, and pick up some Bollywood tapes.(在周围邻街,你可买到莎丽服、找到代做西服的店子、买到电子产品和宝莱坞的录音带。)
  • 15、I didn'tbargain for that.(那是我所没有料到的。)
  • 16、The survey found that higher-calorie, energy-dense foods are the betterbargain for cash-strapped shoppers.(调查发现,高能量食品是囊中羞涩的购物者的更好选择。)
  • 17、When I undertook to mend his watch for him, I didn'tbargain for all this trouble.(我答应给他修表时,没有料到有这么多麻烦。)
  • 18、Whatever the reason of the inventory home, it can be abargain for you.(不管什么原因的库存主页,可以便宜给你。)
  • 19、I think this is abargain for a clear conscience about where one's electricity is coming from.(我认为对良心来说知道自己的电是哪儿来的,这种“代价”是很值的。)
  • 20、I find having tobargain for most things annoying at times.(我发现买东西都得讨价还价,这让人困扰。) Hao86.com
  • 21、These types of merchandise can really create abargain for the buyer.(这些种类的商品才能真正创造一个讨价还价的买主。)
  • 22、Since commodities are priced in dollars, they are more of abargain for traders who buy them with foreign currencies.(因为大宗商品都是以美元计价,所以用非美元货币购买这些大宗商品的交易者来说,它们更具吸引力。)
  • 23、Power generation facilities like Deere's massive wind farms are abargain for big firms like Exelon who have cash on hand.(如迪尔的大型风力发电场的发电设施,是一个像艾斯谁手头有现金大公司讨价还价。)
  • 24、You can use these faults tobargain for a better price.(您可以利用这些缺点来争取一个更好的价格。)
  • 25、At the Jade Market, you canbargain for cheap rings or beads or expensive carved antique pieces.(在玉器市场,你也可以为廉价指环、串珠、或甚至高价的雕刻古玩讨价还价。)

bargain for基本释义

bargain for

英 [ˈbɑ:ɡin fɔ:] 美 [ˈbɑrɡɪn fɔr] 
(常和否定词连用)指望; 企图廉价获取


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