


更新时间:2024-06-23 23:57:32



  • 1、Nonland wealth was also associated with more adoption of both technologies, but theavailability of uncultivated land reduced the incentive to employ the productivity-enhancing technologies.(非土地财富也与两种技术的更多采用有关,但是未耕地的可用性降低了采用提高生产率的技术的动力。)
  • 2、Theavailability of jobs in railway construction attracted many rural laborers accustomed to seasonal and temporary employment.(铁路建设方面的就业机会也吸引了许多习惯于季节性和临时性工作的农村劳动力。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 3、The big change is theavailability of more data about people and things, which allows physical assets to be divided and consumed as services.(最大的变化是人们可以获得更多关于人和事物的数据,这使得实物资产可以作为服务进行分割和消费。)
  • 4、Businesses can locate based on other considerations, such as theavailability of labour, while worrying less about the cost of delivering their output.(企业可以根据其他因素选址,如劳动力的可用性,减少对产出成本的担忧。)
  • 5、Theavailability of steam power and the demands for new machines facilitated the transformation of the iron industry.(蒸汽动力的实用性和对新机器的需求促进了钢铁工业的转型。)
  • 6、The second is theavailability of sufficient time and space.(第二点是有足够的时间和空间。)
  • 7、Most often these are economic, such as better job opportunities or theavailability of good land to farm.(最常见的是经济上的,比如更好的工作机会或者可以耕种的好土地。)
  • 8、Even worries about uprising gas prices and future fuelavailability subsided in the eighties almost as quickly as they had emerged.(即使是对汽油油价上涨和未来燃料供应的担忧,在80年代也几乎以同样快的速度消失了。)
  • 9、After the receptionist gathers room-query data, the next step is always to check theavailability of the required type of room.(在接待员收集到客房查询信息后,下一步往往是检查所需类型的房间是否可入住。)
  • 10、The boomerang effect has also played a role in attempts to reduce theavailability of illicit drugs.(反向效应也在试图减少非法药物的供应方面发挥了作用。)
  • 11、The nature andavailability of material evidence was not to be discussed.(关键证据的性质和有效性将不予以讨论。)
  • 12、The readyavailability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half.(威廉·默多克在18世纪90年代受到煤炭的易得性的启发,发明了1500年里的第一种新的夜间照明方式。)
  • 13、There may actually be a worsening of creditavailability to small-and medium-sized businesses in the next year or so.(在未来一年左右的时间里,中小企业信贷的可获得性实际上可能会恶化。)
  • 14、This is apparently the reason McDonald's restricts theavailability of its popular McRib—a marketing trick that has turned the pork sandwich into an object of obsession.(这显然是麦当劳限制供应其广受欢迎的McRib的原因——这一营销手段让猪肉三明治成为人们痴迷的产品。)
  • 15、Researchers believe wideavailability of cheap food is one of the main drivers.(研究人员认为,廉价食品的广泛供应是主要驱动力之一。)
  • 16、Though few comprehensive studies have been conducted, one by the University of Washington investigated how drug sampleavailability affected what physicians prescribe.(尽管人们几乎没有进行过全面的研究,但是华盛顿大学的一项研究调查了药品样本的可获得性对医生开的处方的影响。)
  • 17、Much of the world's great architecture has been constructed of stone because of its beauty, permanence, andavailability.(世界上许多伟大的建筑都是用石头建造的,因为它美观、持久且容易找到。)
  • 18、All the holidays on offer are subject toavailability.(现行所有的节假日只有在情况允许时才可放假。)
  • 19、This offer is subject toavailability.(优惠至此产品售完为止。)
  • 20、Historians suggest that the advent of mass tourism began in England during the industrial revolution with the rise of the middle class and theavailability of relatively inexpensive transportation.(历史学家认为,大众旅游的出现始于工业革命时期的英国,当时中产阶级崛起,交通费用也变得相对便宜。)
  • 21、Technology advances, including the widespreadavailability of broadband, are making the introduction of remote working a piece of cake.(技术的进步——包括宽带的广泛普及——使得引入远程工作变得轻而易举。)
  • 22、Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and theavailability of capital and credit all stimulated the shift to factory production.(廉价的交通网络、城市的兴起以及资本和信用的普及都是促使工厂生产转型的因素。)
  • 23、One is theavailability of broadband everywhere, which now covers almost all of the country.(一是宽带无处不在,现在几乎覆盖了全国。)
  • 24、One type of external evidence that may shed light on the transmission of Roman texts is theavailability of a work in the Middle Ages, when many classical texts were circulated.(当许多经典文本都在流传时,一种可能有助于罗马文本传播的外部证据是中世纪的一部作品。)
  • 25、The widespreadavailability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert.(这类随处可得的唱片给传统古典音乐演出机构带来了危机。)
  • 26、However, any future recessions in Vargonia will probably not reduce theavailability of teaching jobs at government-funded schools.(然而,瓦尔戈尼亚未来的任何经济衰退都不会减少政府资助学校的教学工作机会。)
  • 27、This is often due to theavailability of better job opportunities and education.(这通常是由于有更好的工作机会和教育。)
  • 28、A request for help in improving theavailability of transport within the remote Makete District of southwestern Tanzania presented the opportunity to try a new approach.(有人请求帮助改善坦桑尼亚西南部偏远的Makete地区的交通状况,这是尝试一种新方法的机会。)
  • 29、One area of contention is theavailability of nursery care.(争论的一个方面是提供幼儿保育的可能性。)



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