更新时间:2025-03-09 22:20:30
be home to造句
- 1、Europe maybe home to much more rapid diversification of species than we thought, says Soltis. "It makes you wonder how many other examples of this there will be."(“欧洲可能超乎我们想象地是更多物种快速发生多样化的地方”,Soltis说,“这会让你猜测究竟还有多少这样的事儿是在这里这样发生的。”)
- 2、England maybe home to the Premier League, perhaps the best club competition in the world, but half of the players fielded onany given weekend are neither British nor Irish.(英格兰是超级联赛之都,或许拥有着世界上最为激烈的俱乐部竞争,但是每周末在绿茵场上角逐的球员中,一半都不来自英国本土或者爱尔兰。)
- 3、Take a vacation this month - from June though August, you'll need tobe home to reap all the benefits due you in your career.(还是趁着5月休个假吧。从六月到八月,你将在职场上忙于在职场上的大丰收,顾不上休假滴。)
- 4、Sitting on reclaimed land, Songdo is perhaps the most ambitious smart-city project so far. It is expected to cost $35 billion and willbe home to 65,000 people.(坐落于填海土地上的Songdo,或许是迄今最雄心勃勃的智能城市项目,预计将花费350亿美元,并容纳6.5万人。)
- 5、The proposed Olympic stadium, for example, willbe home to the Atletico Madrid football team by 2012.(如竞标书中提到的奥林匹克体育馆,该馆2012年将作为马德里竞技足球队的主场投入使用。)
- 6、I'llbe home to enjoy this holiday with you.(我将回家与你们共度佳节。)
- 7、I have children to support, money to be earned, and a home to be maintained.(我有一群孩子要供,要赚钱,还要养一所房子。)
- 8、The five boroughs of New York City are reckoned tobe home to speakers of around 800 languages, many of them close to extinction.(纽约市的五个区被认为是约八百种语言使用者的聚居地,其中很多语种濒临灭绝。)
- 9、To tell you the truth, I'll be glad to get home.(说实话,能回家我会很高兴。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 10、The paper said that 100,000 nonresident workers would have to be sent back to their home villages.(报上说10万名暂住工人将不得不被遣送回乡。)
- 11、By 2040, the poor world is projected tobe home to more than 1 billion people aged 65 and over - fully 76% of the world total.(到2040年,世界上贫穷的国家预计将拥有10亿以上年逾65岁的老人——占全世界老年人总数的76%。)
- 12、I got drunk and had to be carried home.(我喝醉了,只得被搀扶回家。)
- 13、He ached to be home with his loved ones.(他渴望着回家与亲人团聚。)
- 14、She liked tobe home to greet Steve when he came in from school.(当史蒂夫从学校回来时,她喜欢在家迎接他。)
- 15、With trees equal to one hectare of forest spanning 27 floors, these 365 and 260-foot emerald, twin towers willbe home to an astonishing 730 trees, 5, 000 shrubs and 11, 000 ground plants.(27个楼层覆盖满了相当于一公顷森林面积的树木,这两座分别高365英尺(111米)和260英尺(79米)的高楼变成了翠绿色。这座双塔式建筑将种满730棵树木、500棵灌木以及1.1万株地面植物。)
- 16、Zankel willbe home to two evenings of the traditional music that would seem so incompatible with Carnegie’s mission but goes to the very heart of the festival.(这个非正式的中型多功能音乐厅已经投入使用六年,在本次音乐节中将举办两场传统音乐晚会,而这两场晚会——看起来和卡内基的服务宗旨完全背离——正是本次音乐节的核心部分。)
- 17、The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.(这部小说是一部意识流作品,描绘了一个为结婚而脱离家庭的印度女人内心强烈的感情。)
- 18、The average bed couldbe home to up to 1.5 million house dust mites.(而平均每床被子会有超过1,500,000只屋尘螨。)
- 19、We are all relieved to be back home.(回到家我们都松了一口气。)
- 20、He was glad to be home again.(他很高兴又回到家了。)
- 21、The space under the three-masted ship willbe home to an interactive museum where visitors can learn about its history.(船舱将会变成一座互动的博物馆,游客可以在那里了解到该船的历史。)
- 22、They want to be somebody, want to be able to go home a big, badass Marine.(他们希望能成为大人物,以能呼风唤雨的海军陆战队军官的身份返乡。)
- 23、Professor McGonagall: Well, the chamber is said tobe home to something that only the heir of Slytherin can control.(麦格教授:据说,密室中的东西只有斯莱特林的传人才能操控。)
- 24、It is not uncommon for a single residence tobe home to as many as 40 people.(非常不寻常的就是一个住所能够成为40个人的家。)
- 25、They still haven't had any news about when they'll be able to go home.(他们仍然没有得到任何关于他们何时才能回家的消息。)
- 26、Mumbai is thought tobe home to hundreds of thousands of rag-pickers.(孟买被认为是千千百百拾荒者的家。)