
be flooded with造句

be flooded with造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:20:35


be flooded with造句

  • 1、Thousands of organizations devote as much of their funds as can be spared to supplying people in flooded areas with the means to help themselves.(成千上万的组织竭尽全力地捐资捐物来帮助灾区人民实施自救。)
  • 2、The housing market will notbe flooded with eager buyers ever again unless home prices fall to pre-boom levels and the disconnect is corrected.(除非房屋价格下降到大涨前水平,并且偏离得到了纠正,房屋市场将不会再因急切的购买者而变得价格泛滥。)
  • 3、I saw a mirage that made highway ahead seem tobe flooded with water.(我看见一个幻影,前头的公路好似被水淹没一般。)
  • 4、The home defeat sparked fury among Liverpool fans, who flooded radio phone-ins and internet forums with demands that he be sacked.(但在主场的失利点燃了球迷的怒火,他们拨打电台热线和参与网上论坛讨论,要求解雇贝尼特斯。)
  • 5、Adults understand what it feels like tobe flooded with objects.(成年人理解被杂事淹没的感觉。)
  • 6、Now mom's bad Dio3 allows the brain tobe flooded with thyroid hormone, damaging the hippocampus.(此时,母亲的不良的Dio3基因会使得大脑充满甲状腺激素,进而破坏神经元。)
  • 7、While I know that you mustbe flooded with applications by high-caliber people around the world.(我知道你们要受理世界各地的优秀人才的申请,工作繁忙。)
  • 8、If we could appeal to the product characteristics, certainly will sanitary napkin with other well-known brand cause direct conflict, on advertising passive and be other well-known brand being flooded.(如果我们再去诉求卫生巾的产品特点,势必与其他知名品牌造成正面冲突,在广告上被动,而且会被其他知名品牌所淹没。)
  • 9、The implication give evidence for picking up weak signal to be flooded by noise and set forth plan with the help of 80C196KC.(本文就被幅值较高、频带很宽的不规则噪声信号所淹没的微弱有用信号的提取从理论上予以论证,并提出一个采用80C196KC单片机实现的方案。)
  • 10、Meanwhile, plans to use regular power to restart the cooling system hit a roadblock when it turned out that cables had to be laid through turbine buildings flooded with the contaminated water.(与此同时,想用常规电源重启冷却系统的计划也碰到了难题,因为这样做势必要把电缆架在涡轮机房中,而涡轮机房中也发现了大量高辐射积水。)
  • 11、If the chitosan repaired the crushed membranes then the spinal cord tissue would be unstained, but if the chitosan had failed, the spinal cord neurons wouldbe flooded with the fluorescent dye.(如果修复被压垮的壳聚糖膜,然后脊髓组织将不染,但如果没有壳聚糖,脊髓神经细胞会被淹没的荧光染料。)
  • 12、Schools with better reputations willbe flooded with applications while poorer schools will be left high and dry.(声誉好些的学校将会收到大量申请,而差些的学校则将陷入困境。)
  • 13、You willbe flooded with memory, flooded with many other things.(你们将淹没在记忆中,淹没在其它许多事情中。)
  • 14、If the premises have been flooded, flush plumbing fixtures with buckets of water to be sure they are open.(如果房屋被洪水淹没过,用几桶水冲洗水管以确保其畅通。)
  • 15、Some say that the streets wouldbe flooded with roses and chocolates again, but the Chinese customs are not totally forgotten.(有些人表示大街上又将会被玫瑰花和巧克力所淹没,但是中国的习俗并没有完全被抛诸脑后。)
  • 16、Children may be too fat flooded with more than a sweat.(可能是孩子太胖出汗多淹着了。)
  • 17、The market willbe flooded with the same kind of poorly-designed and badly-made products that have short lives and lack after-sale services.(市场上充斥着许多设计质量差,制作粗糙的产品,产品的寿命短,并且缺少售后服务。)
  • 18、People maybe flooded with memories of the traumatic event and have trouble falling asleep, or have nightmares.(有些人可能会沉浸在创伤事件的记忆中,难以入睡,或者噩梦连连。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、If they do not, doctors' surgeries maybe flooded with what have come to be known as the worried well, and regulation is sure to follow.(如果他们不这样做,医生的的诊室里可能将充斥着将被诊断为恐惧症的病理,而调控也肯定会跟进。)
  • 20、The inbox canbe flooded with hundreds of email messages daily, and as a result, users may miss some meeting invitations or reschedule notices.(收件箱中每天可能收到数百封电子邮件消息,结果,用户可能错过一些会议邀请通知或重新安排会议的通知。)
  • 21、Your system willbe flooded with pop-up Windows, slow down your system and even lead to system instability.(你的系统将充斥弹出窗口,减慢你的系统,甚至导致系统不稳定。)
  • 22、Logy model: in market competition those starts are slow handle affairs the person with low efficiency willbe flooded without doubt by place of competitive spring tide.(迟缓型:在市场竞争中,那些动作迟缓,办事效率低下的人,将毫无疑问地被竞争大潮所沉没。)
  • 23、Women are already thinking of the best way to put the hairy stockings to good use and whoever the manufacturer may be will probably get flooded with requests.(女性们已经开始考虑好好利用防狼毛袜,不管生产商是谁,大概都会收到大批大批的订单吧。)
  • 24、The alternative will be to abandon many large cities; Kolkata (Calcutta) is probably the most vulnerable to the incoming tides, but New York's subway system wouldbe flooded with a rise of only 80cm.(否则就将是放弃很多大城市,加尔各答可能最易于遭受即将到来的海潮的袭击,而且纽约的地铁系统将会被仅仅升高80cm的海水淹没。)

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