1、The Big Mac Numbers should be taken with a generous pinch of salt.(巨无霸指数应考虑少量的因素。)
2、And this change has come, not by the will of God, not even by the will of man, but because some few men far away were afraid to be open and generous with each other.(这场变化之所以发生,不是上帝的旨意使然,甚至也不是人类的意志使然,而是因为远在别处的少数人怯于开诚布公地善待同类。)
3、Step 6:be generous with praise.(步骤6:不要吝惜赞美。)
4、You will be overly generous with children today.(今天太惯着孩子了。)
5、You will be overly generous with children this month.(这个月你可能对孩子太宽容了。) Hao86.com
6、States that want to compete with them will have to be extremely generous.(想要与其竞争的州得提供更为慷慨的补贴。)
7、I 'm very frugal but I like tobe generous with my friends.(我非常节省但对我的朋友喜欢慷慨。)
8、be generous with your praise.(不要吝啬你的赞美之言。)
9、Always be generous to those who need your help, Frugal with that you need yourself.(时常慷慨地对待那些需要帮助的人们,并自我处处节俭。)
10、Try to be more generous with your money.(设法用钱大方一点。)
11、be generous with her.(对她出手大方。)
12、The artist — wants to be generous, creative and make positive change with impact.(艺术家——想是慷慨大度,有创造力并且能做有影响力的积极地改变。)
13、Next time, I will be a little more generous with my wine and dining.(他的确是招待的,而且以最高贵的方式,这一点我可以向您担保。)
14、And this change had come, not by the will of God, not even by the will of man, but because some few men far away were afraid to be open and generous with each other.(这场变化之所以发生,不是上帝旨意使然,甚至也不是人类的意志使然,而是因为远在别处的少数人怯于开诚布公地善待同类。)
15、He must be a good man with a good and big heart, a man is happy and healthy, loyal and generous.(他一定是有爱心的好男人,他是快乐而健康、忠诚和有雅量的。)
16、Be fairly loose and generous with your invitations to people.(对你邀请的人要宽松和慷慨。)
17、Clearly, she had not meant to be this generous with her time or her information.(显而易见,她不想把自己的时间和信息慷慨相赠。)