
be going on造句

be going on造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:20:33


be going on造句

  • 1、So, what mustbe going on in swap?(那么,在swap中发生了什么呢?)
  • 2、For our purposes, the crucial point is to see that what seems tobe going on there is our hero is taking the place of somebody else who's about to die.(我们的目的是搞清楚这里的情况,我们的主人公代替别人死亡了。)
  • 3、As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.(随着市场的开放,我想人们将能够花更多的钱购置消费品。)
  • 4、All your TA's have either already have their extra office hours, or there are some that willbe going on tonight or tomorrow, so keep those in mind as your finishing up your studying for the exam.(你们的助教们有的已经做过额外的答疑,而有的会在今天晚上或者明天答疑,因此在你复习准备,考试的时候不要忘了这些。) Hao86.com
  • 5、You don't have to feel crappy because of all the bad that seems tobe going on in the world.(你不必觉得沮丧和糟糕,因为所有坏的事情好像都在世界中发生。)
  • 6、A rocky planet takes a hit from a comet in an artist's impression of what couldbe going on around the nearby star Eta Corvi.(一颗岩石行星遭到了彗星的撞击,在一位艺术家的印象里,这可能就是在乌鸦座eta星附近发生的情况。)
  • 7、I personally prefer to be in a town where there's lots going on.(我个人更喜欢呆在充满生机的小镇上。)
  • 8、This willbe going on the entire month.(这种情况会持续整个月。)
  • 9、However lives must generallybe going on continuously. I believe, the people in the disaster areas can certainly build up their native place better, can build up our country better.(生活总要继续下去,我相信,灾区人民一定能够用自己的双手把家乡建设得更好,把国家建设得更好。)
  • 10、There seems to be something fishy going on.(好像有可疑的事情发生。)
  • 11、But after listening to O'Donnell's latest campaign ads—in which the Senate candidate declares proudly, "I didn't go to Yale. … I'm YOU"—I think something deeper mustbe going on.(但是听了奥多内尔的竞选广告之后——在广告里这位参议员候选人骄傲地宣布,“我没有上过耶鲁……我就是你们”——我发现有更深层次的原因在里面。)
  • 12、In fact, I've got a great assignment this term working on jet engines which means I'llbe going on a few field trips to a nearby airport.(实际上,这学期我有一个很棒的任务,是关于喷气发动机的,这意味着我要到附近的机场去做几次实地考察。)
  • 13、Options, variables, and parameters: Too much seems tobe going on with options, variables, and parameters.(选项、变量和参数:处理过程涉及的选项、变量和参数太多了。)
  • 14、But measuring these changes in rainfall over the ocean is very, very difficult to do. But salinity is actually an important parameter that gives us an indication of what mightbe going on.(许多天气预报模型暗示,当气温升高的时候,水循环会发生变化,但是,我们很难在海洋上测量降雨的变化,不过,海洋中的盐分水平实际上是一个重要参数,能表明海洋上降雨的变化。)
  • 15、We're going to be meeting there on a regular basis.(我们将定期在那里见面。)
  • 16、All your TA have either already have their extra office hours, or there are some that willbe going on tonight or tomorrow.(你们所有的助教们要么已经完成额外的办公时间,要么会在今天晚上或者明天时间。)
  • 17、They can analyse medical images to find out what mightbe going on inside a human body. Now digital imaging is starting to figure out how to spot art forgeries, too.(现在,数字成像技术开始能够发现如何辨认伪作了。)
  • 18、'it was then that I realised that something strange mightbe going on with this food that I had bought,' she explained.(“那时候我意识到我买的快餐发生了某种奇怪的事,”她解释说。)
  • 19、Jack mustbe going on forty.(杰克肯定是奔四十的人了。)
  • 20、Try asking again, and if they start to get angry and evasive, something could wellbe going on.(试试再问一次,如果他们生气了、继续逃避,那么,的确有些猫腻。)
  • 21、Wouldn't yoube going on the Internet to search for information?(你愿意到互联网上去寻找信息吗?)
  • 22、The band willbe going on tour.(这个乐队将要进行巡回演出。)
  • 23、There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them.(原因可能很多,而他不打算浪费时间猜测这些原因。)
  • 24、But fate had it otherwise and all I could do was envy the laughter and playtime that seemed tobe going on all around me. There was no respite from my professional life.(但是命中注定我只能羡慕那些笑声和欢乐,我的职业生活不容停歇。)
  • 25、Something mustbe going on.(肯定是有什么事情了。)
  • 26、When most people do an analysis the likely number of groups could be like thirty or so to properly capture what mightbe going on in a reactor.(当大多数的人作分析的时候,群的数目可能是30左右,这样能正确的捕获在一个反应堆里发生的。)

be going on基本释义
