1、They may not evenbe made of silicon.(它们甚至可能不是用硅制做的。)
2、FileInputStream represents a file that might notbe made of regular text.(FileInputStream表示一个不由常规文本构成的文件。)
3、They can alsobe made of plastic, animal bone or metal.(它们也可以由塑料、动物骨头或金属制成。)
4、Special mention also shouldbe made of an important New Testament paraphrase.(特别值得一提,一个重要的新约意译。)
5、The pipes shouldbe made of plastic.(这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。)
6、Truly elegant chopsticks mightbe made of gold and silver with Chinese characters.(真正优雅的筷子可能是带有汉字的金银制的。)
7、It seemed tobe made of grey metal, shiny but rough, like emery paper.(它看起来像是由灰白色金属制成,有光泽但很粗糙,质感如砂纸。) hao86.com
8、Only the rough guess and estimate canbe made of it.(对此只能作出一个粗略的测算。)
9、But how can electronic switchesbe made of fabric?(但是电子开关怎么能用布纤维做呢?)
10、The faucets appeared tobe made of solid gold.(这些水龙头看上去是纯金做成的。)
11、Precise measurements canbe made of the length and frequency of the infant's attention between two stimuli.(可以对婴儿在两次刺激之间注意力的时长和频率进行精确测量。)
12、The network wouldbe made of carbon nanotubes, which could store hydrogen power.(该网络由碳纳米管制成,能够储存氢能。)
13、Several of the modern-looking buildings turn out tobe made of wood, straw and mud.(那些现代的建筑物实际是由木头、稻草和泥土建造的。)
14、Even though the sun is glowing and the earth isn't, but they mustbe made of the same thing.(虽然太阳发光而地球不会,但它们是由同种物质组成的。)
15、The squares canbe made of plastic.(这些正方形可以用塑料做成。)
16、The former is called coins, a coin maybe made of gold, silver, copper, aluminium...(前者称为硬币,硬币可由于金,银,铜,镍和铝等金属铸成)
17、Moulds canbe made of your limbs and new bits and bobs grown in a Petri dish while you wait.(你的四肢和各种脏器的模具可在皮氏培养皿里生成。)
18、Chopsticks canbe made of lacquered wood and covered with artwork.(筷子能用漆木制成并饰以艺术作品。)
19、Pieces canbe made of anything: found objects, recycled junk, textiles, plastic-even paper.(什么都可来制作当代首饰:锻造品、回收的废旧杂物、纺织品、石膏,甚至连报纸也行。)
20、Baby diapers, which used tobe made of reusable cloth, are now paper throw-aways.(婴儿尿布以前是用可重复使用的布做的,现在都是用一次性的纸做的。)
21、“The Flower of Space”. At first, it seems tobe made of stained glass or something else.(《空间花朵》,乍一看,这个作品仿佛是用彩色玻璃或是别的什么东西做的。)
22、In an ideal world, planes wouldbe made of steel.(一个理想世界里,飞机是由钢做的。)
23、That is 0.99726 to the power of the number of unique pairs that canbe made of three people.(也就是说,三个人能组成多少个不同的二人组,上面的结果就是0.99726的多少次方。)
24、But under anti-bribery laws, proof mustbe made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation.(但根据反贿赂法,证明必须带有具体的效益,如批准一份合同或一项规定。)
25、What if the blade couldbe made of a thin metal strip?(为什么不用薄的金属片来做刀刃呢?)
26、The teapot shouldbe made of china or earthenware.(泡茶的壶应为瓷制或陶制。)
27、Chopsticks canbe made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, lacquer, jade, ivory, plastic, aluminum, silver, and gold.(筷子所用的材料的种类则各有不同,所选材料有竹子、木材、漆器、玉石、象牙、塑料、铝、银、以及金。)
28、Truly elegant chopsticks mightbe made of gold and embossed in silver with Chinese calligraphy.(真正优雅的筷子能用黄金做成并在上面用银压印上中国书法。)
29、One thought the dome shouldbe made of "sponge stone" to keep the weight down.(一种方案建议使用海绵石建造穹顶以减小穹顶自身重量。)