1、Eboue is sure to be charged. Both clubs can expect tobe charged with failing to control their players.(埃布埃肯定会被指控。双方球会亦预料会因未能成功控制球员而被起诉。)
2、The corporation maybe charged with default on its contract with the government.(该公司可能会被指控违反了与政府签订的合同。)
3、The jury at the inquest ruled that he had used excessive and unreasonable force, and the policeman could nowbe charged with manslaughter.(陪审团裁决,这名警察使用了过分的不合理的武力,现在可以被控告过失杀人。) haO86.com
4、A verdict of not guilt means acquittal for the accused, who can never againbe charged with that specific crime.(无罪裁决意味着被告无罪,并且永远不得再以此罪名对其指控。)
5、The woman will notbe charged with cyberstalking.(这个女人将不会被起诉网络威胁罪。)
6、Bush certainly hopes Obama willbe charged with the whole thing.(布什当然希望所有的后果让奥巴马来背。)
7、She has yet tobe charged with any crime.(她还没被控告犯下任何罪行。)
8、Could a pregnant womanbe charged with child abuse if she smokes, or be denied chemotherapy if it might hurt the fetus?(如果一个孕妇吸烟,她会被控虐童吗?或者处于对胎儿的考虑,她可能无法得到化疗?)
9、The singer, the band's producer, the club's owners and two officials responsible for fire safety willbe charged with manslaughter.(一名歌手、乐队负责人、夜总会老板和两名负责消防安全的官员将被指控以过失杀人罪。)
10、He willbe charged with desecrating the holy book.(他将被指控亵渎圣书。)
11、Could you evenbe charged with a crime for that?(你甚至可以与一对这一罪行负责?)
12、Fees includes basic course materials, in some specific courses additional material fees willbe charged with prior notice.(学费已包括基本物料,但仍可能按个别课程需要收取额外物料费用,届时会发出通告。)
13、First, it canbe charged with conventional chargers without fear of damage from modest overcharging .(首先,它可以被落案控以传统的充电器,没有恐惧的损害,从温和的滥。)
14、Arsonists responsible for lighting the fires couldbe charged with murder, police have said.(警方表示:纵火犯可能被控告谋杀罪行。)
15、He's wanted on fraud charges and couldbe charged with making a false distress call.(他因为欺诈的指控而被通辑,现在可能要加上一个制造假求救信号的指控了。)
16、It is a new trend that all the members shouldbe charged with joint liability for the damages caused by tort of gang.(团伙侵权行为造成他人损害的,全体团伙成员承担连带责任是侵权法最新的发展趋势。)
17、They are likely tobe charged with crimes against humanity.(他们有可能被指控违反人道罪。)
18、So he can't reallybe charged with burglary.(佩图尼亚:然则不能控告他入屋盗窃。)
19、They willbe charged with implementing a new law on “perfecting businesses”.(他们将共同承担执行“完善经济”的新的法律。)
20、I do not know why so much canbe charged with each other, we, in the face of this subject is always so strong rebut the other.(我不知道为什么那么多事都可以互相起诉的我们,面对这个话题的时候总是那么强烈的反驳对方。)
21、He is also tobe charged with leaving and entering Zimbabwe illegally.(他同时也将被控非法出入津巴布韦的罪名。)
22、He cannotbe charged with murder for the reason that he was not in town when the crime was committed.(他不能为这次谋杀负责,因为案发时他不在城里。)
23、If the false stating action appears in the stock market information, lawyers shallbe charged with civil liabilities.(律师对其在证券市场信息披露中的虚假陈述行为应承担民事责任。)
24、Jason's father rejected the advice and kept him at home, only to be warned he couldbe charged with endangering his other son.(贾森的父亲没有接受送贾森进监狱的劝告而把他留在了家里,不料被警告说,他可能会由于使他的另一个儿子受到威胁而被起诉。)