
be due to造句

be due to造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 22:15:04


be due to造句

  • 1、This couldbe due to inflation.(这个可能归因于通货膨胀。)
  • 2、According to some estimates, the majority of all extinctions of species maybe due to such impacts.(据估计,大多数物种的灭绝可能是由于这些影响造成的。)
  • 3、Studies suggest that simple phobias are partly genetic while others maybe due to cultural history.(研究表明,简单的恐惧症可能与基因遗传有关,而另一些是由于文化因素和历史因素。)
  • 4、This maybe due to noble motives or base ones.(这或出于一些崇高的动机,或出于一些基本的想法。)
  • 5、Extreme droughts and extreme floods can't bothbe due to climate change.(极端干旱和极端洪涝并非都源于气候变暖。)
  • 6、Some of these impairments couldbe due to trauma, the aphasias.(某些损伤可能是由于外伤而导致的,比如失语症)
  • 7、The problem maybe due to poor workmanship.(问题可能是出在拙劣的工艺上。)
  • 8、Such lasting effects maybe due to girls' realizing not only how they were being influenced but also who was benefiting from the societal pressure to be thin.(这种持久的影响可能是因为女孩们不仅意识到自己受到了怎样的影响,还意识到谁从要求变瘦的社会压力中受益。)
  • 9、Schizophrenia was thought tobe due to poor mothering.(精神分裂症被认为是由照顾不周造成的。)
  • 10、Later, however, it was proven tobe due to iron oxidation.(但是随后被证实是由于铁的氧化。)
  • 11、A headache with a high temperature, neck stiffness and/or a new rash maybe due to meningitis.(头痛时,伴随有高烧、颈僵硬以及(或者)新发皮疹,则可能为脑膜炎。)
  • 12、This maybe due to several factors.(这可能是由几个因素造成的。)
  • 13、This canbe due to several factors, such as(这可能由多种因素引起,例如)
  • 14、Of course this acceleration could justbe due to the screen capture frame rate.(当然了,加速度也可能只是屏幕帧速的不同导致的罢了。)
  • 15、These couldbe due to genetic, environmental.(这些缺乏可以归因于基因、环境、食物和生命系统因素。)
  • 16、If you fall asleep easily but awaken several hours later, it maybe due to low blood sugar.(如果你很容易睡着但在几个小时之后就会醒来,这可能是由于低血糖引起。)
  • 17、Part of that increase wouldbe due to the loss of genuine benefits from risk diversification.(成本上升的原因在于之前的定价没有体现风险分散的真实收益。)
  • 18、The low payroll employment number seems tobe due to bad weather.(低收入就业人群似乎可以归因于恶劣的气候。)
  • 19、It mightbe due to the Halloween weekend, but the picture reminds me of the this image.(可能是因为周末是万圣节,但图片让我联想到了这个的画面。)
  • 20、Perhaps, after all, the weariness to which I refer maybe due to the cautious tone of the book.(也许,毕竟我所指的疲劳可能是由于这本书的基调非常谨慎。)
  • 21、Srini Pillay, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, believes this counter-intuitive link between downtime and productivity maybe due to the way our brains operate.(哈佛医学院精神病学助理教授斯里尼皮莱认为,停工期与生产力之间反常理的这种联系可能是我们大脑的运作方式导致的。)
  • 22、The effect may simplybe due to a sense of comfort from a familiar food.(这种作用可以简化成取决于对一种熟悉食物的舒适感。)
  • 23、The sensation of moving down a tunnel couldbe due to long-buried birth memories suddenly retrieved.(那种到走到地道中的感觉可能是因为被长期隐藏的出生时的记忆被激活。)
  • 24、The valve failing closed couldbe due to an internal blockage or failure.(阀门无法关闭的原因可能是内部堵塞或故障。)
  • 25、It mightbe due to the Halloween weekend, but the above reminds me of the below image.(可能是因为周末是万圣节的关系,上面的图片让我联想到了下面的画面。)
  • 26、Any differences between them—one twin having younger looking skin, for example—mustbe due to environmental factors such as less time spent in the sun.(他们之间的任何差异(例如,双胞胎中有一个的皮肤看起来更年轻)一定是由于环境因素导致的,如在阳光下呆的时间更少。)
  • 27、But frustration attraction maybe due to other brain activities as well.(但是“吸引力的挫败”也可能是由于其他的大脑活动所导致的。)
  • 28、The results could simplybe due to chance.(这结果可能纯属意外。)

be due to基本释义

be due to

因为; 由于