
Beijing International Airport造句

Beijing International Airport造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:45:35


Beijing International Airport造句

  • 1、Beijing International Airport Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;(首都机场出入境检验检疫局;)
  • 2、A total of 226 flights atBeijing International Airport had been canceled as of 4 PM due to the rain.(由于暴雨影响,截止下午4点,首都国际机场共有226架次航班被取消。)
  • 3、Beijing Capital International Airport welcomed its 60 millionth passenger in 2009 Monday, a record for a Chinese airport.(11月30日,首都国际机场迎来今年第6000万名旅客,创造中国机场年旅客吞吐量新纪录。)
  • 4、Tencent, China's largest and most-used Internet portal, also released photos of Wong arriving atBeijing International Airport around midnight on Sept 13. The reports said Wong looked tired and sad.(中国最大的门户网站——腾讯网也刊登出一组王菲于9月13日午夜抵达首都国际机场的照片,并报道称王菲看上去很疲惫,且神色悲伤。) hao86.com

Beijing International Airport基本释义

