
be the rule造句

be the rule造句

更新时间:2024-07-01 00:04:00


be the rule造句

  • 1、"Until recently, that longer half-life was assumed tobe the rule for both types of mercury," Pichichero said.(Pichichero说,“直到最近,长半衰期仍被认为是各种类型的汞所普遍具有的。”)
  • 2、Dual-career marriages seem tobe the rule, not the exception, in the money driven 1990s.(在金钱驱使的九十年代,双职工家庭司空见惯,似乎没有例外。)
  • 3、Other specialists in the field even suggest UV vision may turn out tobe the rule rather than the exception in the animal kingdom.(该领域的其他专家甚至表示,在动物王国,能够看到紫外线是一个规律,而不是例外。)
  • 4、The answer can be found in the intersection of a rule, an event and a trend.(答案可以在一项议事规则、一件事件、和一个趋势的交集中被找到。)
  • 5、When the Set button is clicked, all rules and categories in the rule Set will be selected in the rule tree.(当点击这个Set按钮之后,规则集中所有的规则和目录在这个规则树中都将会被选择。)
  • 6、It had just returned from an 11-hour flight, which seemed tobe the rule, over the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas.(它刚从一个11小时的飞行,这似乎是统治和阿蒙森的别林斯高晋海。)
  • 7、For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.(多年来,高管和猎头公司一直坚持这样一条规则:最引人注目的执行总裁候选人是必须要挖走的人。)
  • 8、This seems tobe the rule, not the exception.(这看起来像规则而不是例外。)
  • 9、He has shown himself to be a renegade without respect for the rule of law.(他已经表现出自己是个毫不尊重法规的叛逆者。)
  • 10、Self sufficiency willbe the rule.(生存法则会是自给自足。)
  • 11、In some schools, it is a rule that mobile phones are strictly forbidden, and if students break the rule, they will be punished.(有些学校规定严禁使用手机,如果违反该规则,学生就会受到惩罚。)
  • 12、Machado was always an exception. But if fashion learns anything from her example, someday, perhaps, she willbe the rule.(马沙多一直是一个特例。但如果时尚界能从她身上学到点儿什么,有朝一日她会许会变成一个平平常常的存在。)
  • 13、For cities, the law can be crudely expressed as the “rank-size rule”.(对城市来说,这个法律可以被笼统地表达为“秩规模规则”。)
  • 14、Heterogeneity in societies willbe the rule in the 21st century, and failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problems.(社会的多样性将成为21世纪的规则,而未能认识到这种多样性并为其制定计划可能会导致严重的犯罪问题。)
  • 15、An example wouldbe the rule execution triggering a business process, which asynchronously calls a service.(例如,规则的执行触发一个业务过程,这个过程异步地调用一个服务。)
  • 16、Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands.(尽管有可能有特例,但这条规则继续有效。)
  • 17、According to the right-hand rule, they would be spinning, by our convention, anticlockwise.(由右手定律我们知道,按惯例,它们会逆时针旋转。)
  • 18、The new rule will be applied retrospectively.(新的规定将具有追溯效力。)
  • 19、Some of them might be spinning clockwise, in which case, according to the right-hand rule we would consider them spin-down.(它们中的一些可能是顺时针旋转的,在这种情况下,根据右手定则,我们认为它们是向下旋转的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、So Manoah asked him, "When your words are fulfilled, what is tobe the rule for the boy's life and work?"(玛挪亚说:“愿你的话应验。我们当怎样待这孩子,他后来当怎样呢?”?)
  • 21、The game had a single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be overcome, not circumvented.(这个游戏有一个单一的不可违反的规则:困难是被克服的,不是被回避的。)
  • 22、I get tired of waiting, punctuality shouldbe the rule they obey, it is not good to be late all the time.(我厌倦了等待,守时应该是他们遵守的规则,总是迟到是不好的。)
  • 23、General words may also be restricted by the ejusdem generis rule.(一般单词也可能受同类规则的限制。)
  • 24、The Producer-Consumer rule can be enforced at the server level.(在服务层实施的是生产者消费者规则。)
  • 25、The third rule is to be ready to cite options and consequences.(第三条规则是准备好列举选项和结果。)
  • 26、As the dataset is not in a symmetrical shape, we can clearly rule out that a normal distribution model would not be a suitable choice.(由于数据集不是对称的,我们可以清楚地排除正态分布模型不是一个合适的选择。)
  • 27、As a rule, it is essential that the poor's productive capabilities be mobilized and the conditions for developing these human resources be improved.(通常,必须调动穷人的生产能力,改善开发这些人力资源的条件。)
  • 28、Anyone who break the rule and litter everywhere should be fined.(任何违反规定,随处扔垃圾的人都应该被罚款。)
  • 29、Good maintenance practices and periodic testing of the insulation shouldbe the rule rather than the exception.(良好的保养和定期的绝缘检测应成为制度而不是偶尔为之。)

be the rule基本释义

be the rule

惯常的事; 普通情况