
be traced to造句

be traced to造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 22:14:38


be traced to造句

  • 1、For each target, the tracing compound name or fragment the measurement shouldbe traced to, and the data type that it should be traced as.(对于各目标,跟踪复合名称或者应该跟踪的度量片段,以及应该跟踪的数据类型。)
  • 2、Very little of the rising share of tax payments from the rich canbe traced to changes in rates.(富人所缴纳的税款份额一直上升,能与税率挂钩的是其中很少一部分。)
  • 3、Almost invariably, the cause of failure canbe traced to obsolete notions of command and control.(究其原因,总会归结到命令和控制的陈腐观念上来。)
  • 4、The mediocre design of many contemporary buildings canbe traced to both clients and architects.(许多当代建筑的平庸设计可以说是客户和建筑师双方造成的。)
  • 5、We now know that the decisions humans make canbe traced to the firing patterns of neurons in specific parts of the brain.(我们现在知道了大脑特定位置的神经元放电模式是人类决策产生的根源所在。) Hao86.com
  • 6、Lovelock's principled nonconformity canbe traced to his childhood.(洛夫洛克自成一套的非主流表现可以追溯到他的童年时期。)
  • 7、The saying canbe traced to one of Aesop's Fables.(这成语可以追溯到一篇伊索寓言。)
  • 8、Spread in several countries can no longerbe traced to clearly-defined chains of human-to-human transmission.(若干国家中的传播已不能追踪到明确界定的人际传播链。)
  • 9、Nonrepudiation provides evidence that a particular action occurred and canbe traced to a specific entity (user or business).(抗抵赖性提供了发生过某个动作的证据,并且可以跟踪到特定的实体(用户或者公司)。)
  • 10、Some of his antipathy to Banks mightbe traced to this time, when his job seemed at risk.(他对银行界的部分反感可以追溯到这个时候。)
  • 11、The beginning of our sleep-deficit crisis canbe traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago.(我们睡眠不足危机的起源可以追溯到一个世纪前灯泡的发明。)
  • 12、These quotations cannot readilybe traced to their sources.(这些引语很难查出出自何处。)
  • 13、In some ways, GM's problems canbe traced to its origins a century ago.(在某种程度上,通用的问题可以追溯到一个世纪以前。)
  • 14、What happened subsequently can, I think,be traced to Derrida's lecture.(我认为之后的事,可以追溯到德里达的演讲。)
  • 15、But there was a Middle English stut that came before with the same meaning, and that canbe traced to Germanic roots.(不过,在此之前,有个中世纪英语单词stut具有同样的含义,而且可以追溯到日耳曼语根源。)
  • 16、Ireland's bail-out last November canbe traced to that moment; a debate on imposing losses on bank bondholders still rages.(爱尔兰去年11月的困境应该可以追溯到这个时刻;将损失强加给银行债券持有者的争论一直在肆虐。)
  • 17、To what extent can the anger of adolescencebe traced to changes going on in the brain at this stage of life?(多大程度上能追溯青少年之怒——此一人生时期大脑之中进行的变化?)
  • 18、All of these statements canbe traced to just a few would-be neuroscientists, especially physician Leonard Sax and therapist Michael Gurian.(所有这些说法都可以追溯到少数想成为神经科学家的人,尤其是内科医生伦纳德·萨克斯和治疗师迈克尔·古里安。)
  • 19、Today we are witnessing a sixth mass extinction, but unlike the others, the current loss of bio-diversity canbe traced to human activity.(今天,我们正在见证第六次物种大灭绝,但与其它几次不同的是,目前生物多样性的丧失可以追溯到人类活动。)
  • 20、Some features and keyboard shortcuts now commonly found in web browsers canbe traced to NeXTSTEP conventions.(有一些现在常见的浏览器特性和快捷键组合可以追溯到NeXTSTEP的惯例。)
  • 21、The saying canbe traced to male vanity, particularly apparent in the late eighteenth century, the period of the dandy.(这个词可以追溯到男性虚荣心尤其明显的18世纪末期,那是个花花公子的时代。)
  • 22、An XML file contained police reports of incidents, which couldbe traced to a claim through an incident number.(XML文件包含事件的警方报告,我们可以通过事件编号将事件追溯到索赔单。)
  • 23、Scarcely an adventure or character is given in his works that may notbe traced to his own party-colored story.(在他的作品中,几乎没有哪一次冒险或哪一个人物不是取材于他本身丰富多彩的生活经历。)
  • 24、The common cause for errors under heavy load can stillbe traced to response times.(高负荷下产生错误的一般原因仍然可以回溯到响应时间。)

be traced to基本释义