
bear with造句

bear with造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:45:44


bear with造句

  • 1、It runs about bearly four minutes sobear with me here.(它只有四分钟,你们再忍耐一下。)
  • 2、These might seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but pleasebear with me.(我选择的这两个答案似乎如同堂吉诃德式幻想一样不切实际,或者显得荒谬,但是请容忍我讲下去。)
  • 3、If you'llbear with me, Frank, just let me try to explain.(如果你对我有耐心,弗兰克,就让我试着解释。)
  • 4、She was convinced that Margaret had fixed on a person whose name she could notbear with composure to become a standing joke with Mrs. Jennings.(她知道玛格·丽特要说的是哪个人,她不能心安理得地容忍这个人的名字成为詹宁斯太太的永久笑柄。)
  • 5、Pleasebear with me while I tell you the story.(请耐心等我把这个故事说完。)
  • 6、We're still getting used to coping with the traffic and various spikes in traffic sobear with us.(我们还在适应去应对访问流量上的和各种访问中的问题。)
  • 7、If you canbear with me a little longer, you will see what I mean.(如果你能再容忍我一会儿,你就会明白我的意思了。)
  • 8、Despite of this feature developers still have tobear with synchronization and avoiding race conditions.(尽管有这一功能,开发人员仍要忍受同步问题、避免竞态条件。)
  • 9、It may not seem obvious why I'm doing this right now, butbear with me.(现在这样做的原因可能还不是很明显,但是,再忍耐一下。)
  • 10、She's under a lot of strain. Justbear with her.(她承受着很大的压力。对她要有耐心。)
  • 11、Ok-sobear with me for a second.(好吧,那么忍受我一会吧。)
  • 12、The police officer said, "He did say he had a friend in the woods, and that was abear with him."(警官说:“他确实说过他在树林里有一个朋友,那是一只和他在一起的熊。”)
  • 13、These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, butbear with me.(这些似乎是不切实际或自相矛盾的选择,但请先容我讲完。)
  • 14、For the rest of you who are willing tobear with me, let's continue. So now let's just integrate.(对于剩下的愿意忍受我的人,我们继续,现在我们需要积分。)
  • 15、Pleasebear with me on this: the point is an important one.(请在这一点上对我包容:这一点很重要。)
  • 16、Food onshore is very limited and there is simply nothing comparable to a seal that provides a polarbear with fat and energy.(陆上食物是非常有限的,根本没有什么能与一只海豹所能给北极熊提供脂肪和能量相比。)
  • 17、Campbell made his first teddybear with his mother's sewing machine in his bedroom.(坎贝尔在卧室里用他妈妈的缝纫机做了他的第一个玩具熊。)
  • 18、If you canbear with me, I will try to explain my own position.(如果你们能忍受我的话,我就试着解释我自己的立场。)
  • 19、Brothers, I urge you tobear with my word of exhortation, for I have written you only a short letter.(22弟兄们,我略略写信给你们,望你们听我劝勉的话。)
  • 20、He just couldn'tbear with such insults.(这种侮辱他就是受不了。) hAo86.com
  • 21、He brought down thebear with a single shot.(他一枪就撂倒了那头熊。)
  • 22、They may sound familiar, butbear with me - there's a potential for new thinking here.(这些建议听起来很常见,但是这需要斟酌——因为里面促使你有新想法。)
  • 23、Next, I initialize the AppConfig options.bear with me, this is useful.(下面,我初始化appconfig选项,这样做虽然加重了我的负担,但是有益的。)
  • 24、Someone who could kill a moose with one hand and skin abear with the other. Someone without a job.(一个能用一只手杀死一只鹿用另一只手给熊剥皮的人。)
  • 25、It looks like a bear but it is not abear with a white and black coat.(它看着像只熊,但它不是皮毛黑白相间的熊。)
  • 26、Abear with a face-lift can still eat you.(改头换面的熊仍然能够吃了你。)
  • 27、But if you canbear with me for one moment, imagine he lived in current times, not amid the postwar prosperity of 1949.(不过如果你能忍受我絮叨几句的话,那么就请想象一下如果他不是处身1949年战后繁荣期,而是活在当下会怎么样。)
  • 28、You may surprised to find that, in the end, the answer to your why will help youbear with almost any how.(或许在最后,你会发现回答“为什么”的答案会帮助你克服几乎所有的“如何”。)

bear with基本释义

bear with

英 [bɛə wið] 美 [bɛr wɪð] 
忍受; 容忍