
behind the scenes造句

behind the scenes造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:19:56


behind the scenes造句

  • 1、Yetbehind the scenes, Mr Ozawa looks in sudden trouble.(事实上在后台,小泽也遇到了意外的麻烦。)
  • 2、Lots ofbehind the scenes activities going on this week.(本周有诸多幕后活动。)
  • 3、Their results also indicated films and TV shows with women or people of color in the important jobsbehind the scenes—director, producer or writer—tended to have better diversity numbers.(他们的研究结果也指出,电影或电视节目幕后如有女性或非白人担任重要职位,如导演、制片人或编剧,则更有可能在种族多样性上做得更好。)
  • 4、He preferred to workbehind the scenes.(而他也更喜欢低调地幕后工作。)
  • 5、At the same time, China may be exerting greater influencebehind the scenes.(与此同时,中国可能正在幕后施加更大的影响力。)
  • 6、The students were able to gobehind the scenes to see how programmes are made.(学生可以跑到后台,去看看节目是怎么制作出来的。)
  • 7、Any necessary tables are createdbehind the scenes.(任何必要的表都会在幕后创建。)
  • 8、behind the scenes, however, things look less rosy.(然而,盛景背后的情况并不乐观。)
  • 9、Some are visible and some arebehind the scenes, but all are valuable.(有些事工很显目,有些事工隐藏在幕后,却全都宝贵。)
  • 10、But Fidel is still likely to exercise a veto powerbehind the scenes.(但是,老卡斯特罗仍可能在幕后拥有否决权。)
  • 11、A lot has happenedbehind the scenes, too.(在幕后,也发生了不少的事情。)
  • 12、All this is transparent and donebehind the scenes.(所有这些都是透明的且在屏幕后面进行的。)
  • 13、You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly andbehind the scenes.(你必须能够在公开和幕后中推销你自己和你的想法。)
  • 14、The deal was closedbehind the scenes.(这笔交易是在幕后做的。)
  • 15、Work alone orbehind the scenes.(独自工作,或幕后工作。)
  • 16、Clearly, we need to be using better technologiesbehind the scenes.(显然,我们需要暗中使用更好的技术。)
  • 17、Who isbehind the scenes?(谁是幕后人?)
  • 18、Fewer people know how transaction processing worksbehind the scenes.(但很少有人知道事务处理在幕后是怎样工作的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、Ever wonder what goes onbehind the scenes when you apply for a job?(你是否想知道当你申请一份工作时,招聘幕后发生的事情?)
  • 20、Within companies it will be a dull timebehind the scenes in 2011.(2011年,在企业内部将是平淡无奇的幕后时光。)
  • 21、Butbehind the scenes Mr. Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.(但在幕后,凯恩先生将会不声不响地工作,努力把交易做成。)
  • 22、Butbehind the scenes, talks on fossil-fuel subsidies were moving forward.(而在幕后,领导人们谈论的却是燃油补贴。)
  • 23、A lot of negotiating has been going onbehind the scenes.(广泛的谈判一直在秘密进行。)
  • 24、It manages the scopesbehind the scenes for you.(它在幕后为您管理作用域。)
  • 25、That depends on my helper who is herebehind the scenes.(那取决于我的帮手,在幕后的帮手。)
  • 26、behind the scenes, Parsons clashed with almost everyone on the show.(幕后,帕森斯几乎跟每个参与演出的人都产生过矛盾。)
  • 27、It's an exciting opportunity to learn what goes onbehind the scenes.(这是个令人激动的机会,可以了解幕后发生的事情。)
  • 28、We will also look at a number ofbehind the scenes improvements.(也会看一下表面以下的一些改进。)

behind the scenes基本释义

behind the scenes

在幕后; 不公开的