更新时间:2025-03-09 22:19:12
board rubber造句
- 1、The machine is suitable for laying off leather, plastic, rubber, nylon, paper board.(本机适用于皮革、塑胶、橡胶、尼龙、纸板、合成材料等非金属类之下料。)
- 2、Ask the spectator to put the board in each of the envelopes, then tie it vertically with the rubber band, performer is not allow to watch it while spectator is doing it.(请观众随意将不同颜色的板子,分别放入不同颜色的信封里,然后用橡皮筋垂直的固定住信封,此过程是在表演者完全看不到的情况下进行的。)
- 3、Specially set structure and attach fine-adjustment protection device, flexible adjustments height and force of cutting, can prolong service life of cutting die and cutting rubber board.(特有设定构造,附微调保护装置,灵活调设裁断高度和裁断力度,能延长刀模和裁断板的使用寿命。)
- 4、The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with aboard rubber.(老师正在用黑板擦擦黑板。)
- 5、Put no order rubber skin the stack board book on rubber skin.(把没有订橡胶皮的栈板订上橡胶皮。)
- 6、Asbestos board divided into asbestos insulation board, asbestos by rubber sheets, asbestos floor slab.(石棉板分为石棉保温板、石棉橡胶板、石棉水泥板。)
- 7、The machine is mainly suitable for cutting nonmetal mater ials like leather, plastic, rubber, canvas, nylon, paper-board and varieties of synthetic materials with a blade OS fixed shape.(本机主要适用于皮革、塑胶、帆布、尼龙、纸板及各种合成材料等非金属之成型裁断。)
- 8、Inside lining is made of sheath, front guard board and back guard board, which is made of AFM and rubber cloth.(内衬部分由护套、前护板和后护板组成,它们由耐磨金属或橡胶材料制成。)
- 9、He set forth from the Canaries in a rubber dinghy, with all food on board locked away.(他乘坐一艘橡皮艇从西拔牙的加纳丽群岛出发,把船上携带的食品锁了起来。)
- 10、Huge air inflated toy, rubber dinghy, air inflated cushion, automotive and motorbike seating cushion, sun-shading board, side board etc.(大型充气玩具、水上橡皮艇、充气床垫、汽车摩托车坐垫、遮阳板、侧门板等。)
- 11、Rubber boats with British marine commandos on board circled the Montecristo, while a helicopter hovered above.(装满了英国海军陆战队突击队员的救生船包围了“基督山”号,另外还有一辆直升机盘旋在上空。)
- 12、The machine is mainly suitable for cutting nonmetal materials like leather, plastic, rubber, canvas , nylon, paper-board and varieties of synthetic materials with a blade of fixed shape.(本机适用于皮革、塑胶、帆布、尼龙、纸板及各种合成材料等非金属之成型裁断。)
- 13、This test method is not intended for use in testing corrugated boxboard, liner board, or hardboards that tend to cut the thin rubber diaphragm.(这个试验方法不用于试验割成薄的橡胶横隔膜的瓦楞盒纸板,垫板或硬纸板。)
- 14、Yesterday, the first "three-board limit" of the species fell on the rubber.(昨天,第一批“三板限制的物种”倒在橡胶。)
- 15、The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric and chemical fibre with a blade of fixed shape.(本机适用于成功型刀模对单层或多层的皮件、橡胶、塑料、硬纸、织物、化纤、无纺布等材料冲裁。)
- 16、The clamping board is made into a rubber product with proper elasticity.(夹板,为具适当弹性的塑胶制品。)
- 17、From the small space behind the seat, he took a knee-high pair of rubber boots, sitting on the running board to unlace his leather ones and pull on the others.(他从车座后面小小的空间拿出一双胶皮靴,坐在车的踏板上解开皮靴的带子换上。)
- 18、Bronzed board carving, silicon rubber tire, silica gelboard.(烫金板雕刻、硅胶轮、硅胶板。)
- 19、For polishing and finishing of furniture, floor, rubber, plastic, leather, wood, board.(家具、地板、橡胶、塑料、皮革、木材、木器、人造板的精磨和抛光。)
- 20、During tank's moving, the rubber in the tracked board is suffered the cyclical pressure, rally, torque. It is very easy to fatigue ineffective because of the cyclical power.(坦克履带板着地胶块在坦克的运行过程中,周期性受到压力,拉力,扭转力,很容易因为这些周期性的受力而疲劳失效。)
- 21、Packaging industry: printing rubber plate engraving, plastic plates, double plates, die cutter cutting board.(包装行业:雕刻印刷橡胶板、塑料板、双层板、刀模切刀板等。)
- 22、The anti-slippage board (20) has vulcanized rubber body with particle shape or sheet shape and polymer adhesion materials used for coalescing vulcanized rubber body.(防滑板(20)具有粒子状或片状的硫化橡胶体和接合硫化橡胶体的高分子粘合剂。)
- 23、Small-strip type rubber board works to increase abrasion coefficient to clamp goods safely;(可选用小块条纹式胶板,增加磨擦系数,安全夹持货物;)
- 24、Pour the materials onto the base and use the rubber scratch board to make the surface flat and make the bottom materials permeate into the cement base. Do not leave some areas unpainted.(将物料倒于基面,用橡胶刮板刮平,要求不得漏涂,使底料渗透于水泥基层中。) hao86.com
- 25、Main craft: the etching (nips board), the pressure to flush, the note paint (to top up), silk India, the drop rubber, to imitate the enamel, the zinc base alloy compression casting and so on.(主要工艺:蚀刻(咬板)、压冲、注漆(填油)、丝印、滴胶、仿珐琅、锌合金压铸等。)