
birth rate造句

birth rate造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 22:13:59


birth rate造句

  • 1、Scientists are also working to develop chemicals to control thebirth rate in deer populations.(科学家们也在努力研制化学物质来控制鹿群的出生率。)
  • 2、birth rate and the stork population are connected.(出生率与鹳的数量有关。)
  • 3、As Indonesia prospers, itsbirth rate is falling; South Asia's remains very high.(随着印度尼西亚走向繁荣,该国的出生率正在下降,而南亚的出生率则依旧保持在很高的水平上。)
  • 4、A: In Europe, what people really care about is not the marriage rate but thebirth rate.(回答:在欧洲,人们真正关心的不是结婚率而是出生率。)
  • 5、Thebirth rate in Europe is rising slightly(欧洲人口出生率略有上升)
  • 6、The CDC study did not explore why the teenbirth rate is at an all-time low.(疾病控制中心的研究并没有探究出为什么青少年出生率总是处于低比率状态。)
  • 7、Germany's population is ageing, and thebirth rate falling.(德国的人口老化,出生率下降。)
  • 8、Thebirth rate among professional women is particularly low.(职业女性的生育率则更低。)
  • 9、Several factors have been adduced to explain the fall in thebirth rate.(有几个因素已被援引来说明出生率降低的原因。)
  • 10、The out-of-wedlockbirth rate among women who drop out of high school is 15%.(高中辍学的妇女中非婚生子女出生率为15%。)
  • 11、The decline of marriage is also contributing to the collapse in thebirth rate.(结婚率下降也是人口出生率下降的原因之一。)
  • 12、And thebirth rate will almost certainly continue to fall there.(它的出生率几乎确定会持续下降。)
  • 13、Thebirth rate is rising.(生育率也在上升。)
  • 14、Tunisia now has abirth rate similar to that of France.(突尼斯目前的生育率与法国相仿。)
  • 15、Martine puts it down to, among other things,soap operas and instalment plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important9 although indirect, role in lowering thebirth rate.(玛蒂娜将其归因于20世纪70年代推出的肥皂剧和分期付款计划。尽管是间接的,两者在降低出生率方面都发挥了重要的作用。)
  • 16、Thebirth rate plunged from the highest in Canada to the lowest.(该省的出生率在加拿大也从第一骤降至最后一名。)
  • 17、The rise has been caused by an increase in thebirth rate and greater longevity.(人口的增加主要是因为出生率的上涨和寿命的延长。)
  • 18、But thebirth rate is also connected to education and gender equality.(但出生率还与教育和性别平等有关。)
  • 19、The European country with the highestbirth rate is Ireland.(出生率最高的欧洲国家是爱尔兰。)
  • 20、After the war there was a bulge in thebirth rate.(战后出生率一度激增。)
  • 21、But loweringbirth rate need not be so draconian.(但降低生育率无需如此严苛。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 22、birth rate, gender equality, education and poverty are inextricably linked.(生育率、性别平等、教育都与贫困不可避免地相互关联。)
  • 23、It's estimated thatbirth rate has dropped dramatically over the past decade.(据统计,在过去十年中,人口出生率急剧下降。)
  • 24、With higher life expectancy and lowerbirth rate, South Korea is becoming an aging nation.(韩国较高的平均寿命以及较低的出生率使韩国一步一步走向老龄化。)
  • 25、They're more likely to have children of lowbirth rate and more birth complications.(高龄人群可能会导致低出生率和更多的出生并发症。)
  • 26、In 1995 the unmarried teenagebirth rate for Latinas was 20% lower than the rate for blacks.(1995年,拉丁裔未婚青年生育率比黑人低20%。)
  • 27、In the meantime, however, thebirth rate is falling dramatically in some cases.(但同时很多地方的出生率在急剧下降。)
  • 28、The newly domesticated animals behaved better, were easier to control, and may have enjoyed a higherbirth rate, which in turn yielded greater milk supplies.(新驯养的动物表现更好,它们更容易控制,出生率也更高,且反过来也会提供更多奶源。)

birth rate基本释义

birth rate

英 [bə:θ reit] 美 [bɚθ ret] 
第三人称复数:birth rates
