
bit by bit造句

bit by bit造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:19:28


bit by bit造句

  • 1、The work was never finished andbit by bit the building fell apart.(这项工程从来没有完工,该建筑一点一点地坍塌了。)
  • 2、He assembled the model aircraftbit by bit.(他把飞机模型一点一点地组装起来。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 3、bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's.(他渐渐地做了必要的改变,使他的语言变得像其他人的一样。)
  • 4、His father began to lose his memorybit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.(他父亲的记忆力开始一点点衰退,变得越来越健忘。)
  • 5、bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.(鲍勃一点一点地说服弗里茨卖掉自己的控股权。)
  • 6、Watson isn't strong AI, but if strong AI happens, it will arrive gradually,bit by bit, and this will have been one of the bits.(沃森并不拥有强人工智能,但强人工智能也是从一点一点逐步累积的,而沃森正是这样的某一点。)
  • 7、This report is solidly positive for the economy:bit by bit the pieces of recovery are falling into place.(这份报告对于经济来说是一个非常积极的利好消息:恢复正在稳定进行中。)
  • 8、Then,bit by bit, his back uncurls and straightens until all of a sudden there is he, upright, truly a man.(然后,他的背部一点一点地舒展和拉直,直到突然他变成一个真正的直立的男人。)
  • 9、The SAT suffered from damaging news stories as details of the errors came outbit by bit.(随着有关出错详情的逐渐泄漏,SAT更不断遭受各种新闻报道的诋毁。)
  • 10、The materials have been gatheredbit by bit.(材料是一点一点收集起来的。)
  • 11、You are making progress everyday,bit by bit, but you just cannot see it or feel it.(你每天都在进步,一点一点地,只是你没有看到或没有感觉到。)
  • 12、bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.(我渐渐回忆起了那晚的点点滴滴。)
  • 13、He was winning the power strugglebit by bit.(他一点一点的争得了他的竞争力量。)
  • 14、The expectation is that the group will be broken up and sold,bit by bit.(预计集团将被一块一块拆分出售。)
  • 15、bit by bit, his back uncurls and straightens until all of a sudden there is he, upright, truly a man.(他的背部一点一点地舒展和拉直,直到突然他直立起来,成了真正的男人。)
  • 16、bit by bit, we have pieced together incredible vistas of creation.(一点一点地,我们拼凑出了令人难以置信的创造图景。)
  • 17、Yetbit by bit the main chapters of the financial rule-book are being written.(不过积少成多,金融规则的主要篇章正在成形。)
  • 18、Everyone has a soft heart where the record of the pastbit by bit.(每个人心底都有一个柔软的所在,记录着过往的点滴。)
  • 19、Savingbit by bit, she and her husband bought land, a pickup truck, a car, and a proper house for the family.(通过一点一点的积蓄,她和她的丈夫为家庭购买了土地、一辆小货车、一辆小汽车、以及一座体面的房子。)
  • 20、bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.(渐渐地,我开始明白了他们正在努力做什么。)
  • 21、SERBIA, comments one eurocrat dryly, is being defrostedbit by bit.(一位欧盟官员淡淡地评论道,塞尔维亚,正在一点点地解冻。)
  • 22、Also do itbit by bit from life.(还要从生活的一点一滴做起来。)
  • 23、Then physicists can refine the modelbit by bit, according to how given physical systems are known to behave.(看,这是物理学中的一种标准方式——首先通过一些计算来近似地得到粗略的结果,然后物理学家再根据给出的物理系统的行为方式来逐步完善这个模型。)
  • 24、After all, the 10 year Treasury yield keeps droppingbit by bit and is 3.11% today.(毕竟,10年期公债利率逐步下滑,现今为3.11%。)
  • 25、Don't worry about it - just do itbit by bit.(对此不必担心,只管去做,一点一点来。)
  • 26、Flat fees will become more affordablebit by bit.(费率逐渐变得更加低廉。)
  • 27、You earn the right, over time,bit by bit.(你必须通过长时间的努力,一点一点的赢得这样的殊荣。)
  • 28、We'll do itbit by bit.(我们会一点一点地做。)

bit by bit基本释义

bit by bit

英 [bit bai bit] 美 [bɪt baɪ bɪt] 
一点点地; 渐渐地