break up造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:44:25


break up造句

  • 1、A homogeniser is used tobreak up the cells.(使用匀浆器分解细胞。)
  • 2、The dollar lost strength the way many marriagesbreak up—slowly, and then all at once.(美元的失势就像许多婚姻的破裂一样——慢慢地,然后突然垮掉。)
  • 3、As wavesbreak up ice the seas will become more open, and the waves will get even stronger.(随着海浪打破冰层,海洋将变得更加开阔,海浪将变得更加强劲。)
  • 4、Rubber bullets were used tobreak up the demonstration.(橡皮子弹曾被用于冲散游行队伍。)
  • 5、They plan tobreak up the company into several smaller independent companies.(他们打算把这家公司拆分成几家独立的小公司。)
  • 6、Are you destined tobreak up?(难道你们注定要分手吗?)
  • 7、When do youbreak up for Christmas?(你们什么时候放假过圣诞节?)
  • 8、Riot police used tear gas tobreak up the demonstration.(防暴警察使用了催泪瓦斯驱散示威游行。)
  • 9、The ship went aground and started tobreak up.(轮船搁了浅,开始破碎。)
  • 10、Woody Allen makes me justbreak up.(伍迪•艾伦令我几乎笑破肚皮。)
  • 11、A unity invariably tends tobreak up into different parts.(统一体总要分解为不同部分的。)
  • 12、About 100 officers in riot gear were needed tobreak up the fight.(大约需要100名配备防暴装备的警官来结束那场斗殴。)
  • 13、If we everbreak up, I can use it again.(如果我们分手了,我还可以送给别人。)
  • 14、The Romans observed that, when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible tobreak up.(罗马人观察到,当火山灰与水混合然后冷却,火山灰变得非常坚硬,几乎不可能分解。)
  • 15、A flash mob is a group of people who come together suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a short period of time, and then quicklybreak up.(快闪族,是指一群人突然在公共场所聚集,在短时间内做一些不寻常的事情,然后迅速散开。)
  • 16、How do youbreak up?(你如何提出分手?)
  • 17、Police had tobreak up the crowd.(警方不得不驱散人群。)
  • 18、The government decided against using force tobreak up the demonstrations.(政府决定不使用武力来驱散示威游行。)
  • 19、Police were called in tobreak up the fight.(有人叫来了警察制止打斗。)
  • 20、Many familiesbreak up because of a lack of money.(许多家庭因缺钱而破裂。)
  • 21、They decided tobreak up the partnership.(他们决定拆伙。)
  • 22、When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do notbreak up its smooth contours.(当鱼不使用鱼鳍时,会将它们折叠起来,收回到特殊的沟槽或者凹陷部位;这样鱼鳍就可以与身体保持齐平,以维持它们平滑的外形。)
  • 23、Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when theybreak up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock will blow the sea surface.(当浮动冰架破裂时,对海平面的影响很小;而与之不同的是,固定在基岩上的冰盖将会使海面炸毁。)
  • 24、What happened? Did youbreak up?(发生什么事?你们分手了吗?)
  • 25、I was about tobreak up with her.(我之前正要跟她分手。)
  • 26、One helpful step is to train lunchtime supervisors to distinguish bullying from playful fighting, and help thembreak up conflicts.(其中一个有用的步骤是培训午餐时间的监督人,让他们区分欺凌与嬉戏打闹,并帮助他们化解冲突。)
  • 27、He maybreak up under all this pressure.(在这么大的压力下他可能会崩溃。)
  • 28、break up long sentences into smaller ones.(把长句分解成多个小句。)

break up基本释义

break up

英 [breik ʌp] 美 [brek ʌp] 