1、And that will bring us closer to ending poverty and promoting peace around the world.(而这又将使我们进一步接近消除贫穷和促进世界和平的目标。)
2、Projected cuts around the country will bring forward some deeper questions about school finance.(全国上下有计划的削减将会为学校财务带来更深刻的问题。)
3、In some places, people carry around objects to ward off evil or bring good luck.(在一些地方,人们会随身携带一些饰品给自己辟邪或招来好运。)
4、Start sharing these gifts to bring joy to others around you, and give them the chance to appreciate your uniqueness.(开始分享这些天赋,去带给周围的人快乐,也给他们欣赏你独一无二的机会。)
5、These are hung around doorways and are intended to bring luck to the household for the coming year.(对联就贴在大门上,它可以在新的一年里给这家人带来好运。)
6、They believe that there is transport development around the corner that will bring a lot of changes for the better.(他们相信,即将发展交通将带来许多更好的变化。)
7、That way they'd be around to bring back the important things - namely, us.(那样的话他们也将置身于重要的事物之中——也就是说,我们。)
8、The gunner tried to bring his guns around.(机枪手试图带着他的枪转动。)
9、I talked till my jaws ached, trying to bring him around.(我劝了他半天,嘴皮都快磨破了。)
10、By bringing more peace within us and around us, we ultimately bring more peace to the world and make it a better place.(通过让我们自己和周遭平静,我们能尽可能的令世界和平,并进而创造一个更美好的世界。)
11、Have him bring a car around to reception.(让他开辆车到接待处附近来。) (好工具hao86.com)
12、Ultimately, if we bring peace all around us, then it can spread from there.(最终,如果我们能身处和平,那它就能从我们开始传播。)
13、When you discuss performance problems, bring the discussion around to discussing ways that you and your employees can work together to solve them.(在涉及问题时,要面向探讨解决问题的方法,以便员工和你能一起来解决它。)
14、Cyberspace has become symbolic of the computing devices, networks, fibre-optic cables, wireless links and other infrastructure that bring the internet to billions of people around the world.(网络空间已成为计算机设备、网络、光纤电缆、无线连接和其他基础设施的象征,这些基础设施将互联网带给全世界数十亿人。)
15、I was careful not to bring up these fibs when my parents were around, and so I never got caught.(当我父母在周围时,我小心地不去撒谎,所以我从来没被逮到过。)
16、Bring it back around the pole.(把它放回到木杆旁边。)
17、He used to bring people in to sit around his deathbed talking about various matters with him.(他叫人来他到他的病榻前,和他进行各种各样的讨论。)
18、Asking questions will bring you closer to the people around you and likely save you a huge chunk of time. Win-win.(多问问题会拉近你和身边人的距离,还有可能省下你一大部分时间,这是一箭双雕。)
19、If you've got papers strewn around or you bring your laptop to bed, you bring that stress with you when you go to sleep.(如果你的卧室里到处都是文件或者你把手提电脑带到了床上,那你就等于是带着那份压力入睡的。)
20、They believe that there are transport developments around the corner that will bring a lot of changes for the better.(他们相信交通即将有所发展,这将带来更好的变化。)
21、The caveman tied cords made of braided grass around his chosen mate's wrists, ankles, and waist, to bring her spirit under his control.(穴居人用草编织成的绳子绑在他选择的配偶的手腕、脚踝和腰部,把她的灵魂置于他的控制之下。)
22、He commended the use of "hardware, software and the business processes" to bring efficiency and move produce around more quickly.(他对通过使用“硬件、软件和商业程序”提高效率和加快货物转运速度的做法表示赞赏。)
23、Asking legitimate questions will bring you closer to the people around you and likely save you a huge chunk of time.(事实上,询问合理的问题会帮助你和身边的同事更加亲近并能帮助你节省下大量的时间。)
24、You bring your story with more images all around and more information, so you are a better witness.(你把更多的图像和信息带到你的故事里面来,你可以带来更好的报道。)
25、This should bring up a marquee around the planet.(这样应当会在行星四周生成一个矩形选区。)