
by analogy造句

by analogy造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 22:12:32


by analogy造句

  • 1、Finally, the effect of dispersive and thickness deviation of liquid crystal on wavelength drift is analyzedby analogy.(最后运用类比的方法,分析了液晶色散和液晶厚度偏差对透射波长的影响。)
  • 2、As regards other incomes, the taxable income amount shall be calculated according to the approaches as mentioned in the preceding two itemsby analogy.(其他所得,参照前两项规定的方法计算应纳税所得额。)
  • 3、My theory applies to you andby analogy to others like you.(我的理论适用于你,照此类推,也适用于想你这样的其他人。)
  • 4、It is found that the methods of learningby analogy (LA) may become an important technology for the inter-and extrapolation of knowledge.(人们发现,类推学习有可能成为知识内推和外推的重要技术。)
  • 5、Other financial enterprises shall implement these Rulesby analogy.(其他金融企业参照本规则执行。)
  • 6、by analogy, the thermal effect is replaced by an equivalent edge-moment loaded uniformly along both boundaries of the shallow spherical shell.(再通过比拟,以作用于球面扁壳内外边界上的均匀分布的相当边界力矩来替换温度效应。)
  • 7、by analogy I want you to think of what any manner of stress does to your physical and mental body?(如此类推,我想让你们想象一下,对于你们物质和精神的压力你们会怎么做?)
  • 8、by analogy, enough doublings in processing power will close today's vast gap between machine and human intelligence.(以此类比,加倍增长的计算能力将足以拉近目前人类与机器智能之间宽阔的鸿沟。)
  • 9、He had no idea how to describe this experienceby analogy, but he was happy for a second chance.(他不知道如何用类推的方法描述这次经历,但是他很高兴能有第二次机会。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract conceptby analogy with something concrete.(有时通过与某种具体事物的类比,更容易说明某个抽象的概念。)
  • 11、by analogy, memes also get replicated and in the process pass on cultural information from person to person, generation to generation.(以此类推,模因也被复制,并且在这个过程中,文化信息在人与人之间、代际之间进行传递。)
  • 12、The law consequences led to by the nullification of insurance contract may be applied to the correlation provision of contract lawby analogy.(保险合同的无效导致的法律后果可以类推适用合同法的相关规定。)
  • 13、To say that molecules are conceivedby analogy to motes or other observed particles is evidently to depart from that sense of analogy.(说分子是从与尘埃等被观察到的粒子的类比中构想出来的,明显偏离了这个基本含义。)
  • 14、Small enterprises and other entities may follow these Normsby analogy to set up and effect internal control.(小企业和其他单位可以参照本规范建立与实施内部控制。)
  • 15、I like to thinkby analogy.(我喜欢用类比说话。)
  • 16、by analogy TP552 is to point to have two 550 watts of compressed with quiet oil free compressor.(以此类推tp552就是指有2个550瓦压缩机头的静音无油空压机。)
  • 17、Looks like a simple list of the greatest help to us is this: comprehendby analogy.(看起来似简单的罗列给我们最大的帮助就是:触类旁通。)
  • 18、He explained the subjectby analogy.(他用类推法说明了这个问题。)
  • 19、Result: This method can make the students to learn medicines nature, not only know the appearance and make them knowby analogy.(结果学生对药物的认识不拘泥于事实的表象,分析问题不再片面,能透过现象看本质,综合考虑,举一反三,触类旁通。)
  • 20、by analogy with the method of gunpoint noise measurement. reasonable indexes for assessing the size and intensity of gunpoint flash are put forward.(类比于枪口噪声测试方法,较科学地提出了评价枪口火焰强弱的评价指标。)
  • 21、If you understand this point, you can understand the restby analogy.(如果懂得这点,其它的就可以触类旁通了。)
  • 22、by analogy to writing, carrying a super-laptop is like owning just one very important book.(与写作类似,带着一台超级笔记本如同拥有一本非常重要的书籍。)
  • 23、by analogy, this story illustrates two problems in contemporary management research in general and venture capital research in particu-lar.(相仿地,这个小说说明了当代管理学研究和风险资本研究中存在的两个问题。)
  • 24、Other newly-built generating sets may be governed by these Measuresby analogy.(其它新建发电机组可参照本办法执行。)
  • 25、Metaphors as a form of reasoningby analogy involve categorization, entailment and inference.(隐喻是一种形式的类比推理涉及分类,蕴涵和推理。)
  • 26、by analogy with manufactured goods, information is the added value in financial systems.(根据人造物品类推,信息是金融系统的附加值。)
  • 27、Although sliders have significant drawbacks, they are exemplary in one area: they allow users to enter quantitative informationby analogy.(尽管滑块有着明显的缺陷,但在一个方面却是典范,它允许用户以类推的方法输入数量信息。)
  • 28、The aim of study is to learnby analogy, to get new ideas through utilizing knowledge and to solve problems.(学习的目的是迁移,即利用知识产生新想法,解决新问题。)
  • 29、The models showby analogy how matter is built up.(这个模型通过类比方法显示了物质是怎样构成的。)
  • 30、The formation of termsby analogy has the characteristics of extensiveness and iconity as special linguistic symbols.(类比型术语由于类比方法的特征及其扩展性,表现出语言符号的象似性。)

by analogy基本释义

by analogy

英 [bai əˈnælədʒi] 美 [baɪ əˈnælədʒi] 

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