1、by and large, these are very nice kids, and as the band The Who used to sing, "The kids are alright."(总的来说,这些孩子都很好,就像乐队TheWho曾经唱的那样:“孩子们都很好。”)
2、"And if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment," Gordon says thatby and large, "you could use today's data and feel fairly confident."(“如果你需要预测人类不久后的身高来设计一个设备的话,”戈登概括说,“你可以相当自信地使用当今的数据。”)
3、by and large, people felt that their actions and hard work—not outside forces—were the deciding factor in how their lives turned out.(总的来说,人们觉得决定他们生活水平的因素是他们的实际行动和工作的努力程度,而不是外界的力量。)
4、In the development of Western technology, it has been non-verbal thinking,by and large, that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details of our material surroundings.(在西方科技的发展中,非语言思维大体上固定了我们物质环境的轮廓,并填充了细节。)
5、Becauseby and large people are good, aren't they?(因为人们基本上是好的,不是吗?)
6、by and large, I enjoyed my time at school.(总的说来,我在学校很开心。)
7、Butby and large they are the smaller firms among the foundation's membership.(但是总的来说在基金会成员中他们只是小角色。)
8、Yetby and large, the EITC helps only families with children.(然而,总的来说,EITC只帮助有儿童的家庭。)
9、by and large, the police do a dangerous job honourably.(总体来说,警察的工作是危险而值得人们尊敬的。)
10、by and large, the most successful big firms focus on their core businesses.(总的来说,最成功的企业还是把重点放在核心业务上。)
11、Butby and large the new donors think their model of giving aid is better.(然而总体来说新援助国认为他们的施助模式更好。)
12、I tend to think that our Representativesby and large do a good job.(我倾向于认为我们的众议员们总体上干得不错。)
13、by and large, these people are peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.(这些人总的来说都是热爱和平,遵纪守法的公民。)
14、Butby and large the most effective resolutions tend to be in the client.(但是基本上最有效的解决方案往往在客户机一边。)
15、by and large, Australia still prefers British migrants, and tends to be rather less selective in their case than it is with others.(总的来说,澳大利亚仍然偏爱英国移民,而且对英国移民的挑剔比其他国家的移民要少得多。)
16、Of course, that's abstract thinking, andby and large I'm not an abstract thinker.(当然,这里的思考指的是抽象思维,我一般不擅长抽象思维。)
17、Taking itby and large, the conditions of employment are good.(从大体上说来,就业条件是好的。)
18、by and large, that's true for online shops.(对于在线商店而言,大体上是这种情况。)
19、by and large, then, according to memory experts, all these statements are false.(大体上来说,根据记忆专家所说,上述论断都是错误的。)
20、by and large, money buys happiness only for those who lack the basic needs.(总的来说,只有对那些缺乏基本需要的人来说,钱才能买到快乐。)
21、I have to teach the same course books several times in the summer holiday camp, which is sometimes boring and not well-paid, butby and large, I am quite delighted in being with young people.(在暑假夏令营的时候,我不得不教好几遍同一门课的书。有时很无聊,报酬也不高,但总的来说,我很喜欢和年轻人在一起。)
22、Butby and large, it's an occupation they love.(但总的来说这个职业是他们热爱的。)
23、It performed these uncontroversial tasksby and large with meagre success.(总的来说,它完成了这些毫无争议的任务,但收效甚微。)
24、They were,by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.(他们一般都属于一个非常富有的特权阶层。)
25、Cancer cannot: it is notby and large caused by infection, and neither is it new.(而癌症就不是:因为它既不是大部分由感染引起,也不是新病。)
26、by and large, nomadism implies a high degree of self-sufficiency and inhibits the appearance of an extensive division of labor.(总的来说,游牧意味着高度的自给自足,并抑制了广泛劳动分工的出现。)
27、But,by and large, people draw very different conclusions.(但是,总的说来,人们还是得出了不同的结论。)
28、The film lost money; reviews, on the other hand, wereby and large favourable.(这部电影赔了钱;但从另一方面来看,评论大体上是积极的。)
29、by and large women believe that the workplace is a meritocracy, and it isn't.(很多女性认为工作场所是对精英的管理,但事实并非如此。)