1、Payment system for public health service includes global budget, fee for service,capitation, salary, performance-related pay, line budget, preventive service account and periodic health visit fee.(理论上,对公共卫生的支付方式有总额预付制、按服务项目付费、按人头支付、薪金制、按照绩效支付、按条目预算、预防服务账户和定期健康就诊费用方式。) (好工具hao86.com)
2、These draft guidelines specify that doctors should not enter into those pre?paidcapitation schemes that are incompatible with a high standard of medical practice.(草拟中的指引列明,任何预先付款的商业医疗计划,若不符合提供高质素医疗服务的宗旨,医生不应该参与这些计划。)
3、Nocapitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid.(不得征收人头税或其它直接税。)
4、Objective To investigate the effect of the application of sickbedcapitation in clinical attendance.(目的探讨床位包干制管理在临床护理中应用的效果。)
6、Whether they bear the name VAT tax, sales tax, poll tax, duty, impost, excise,capitation, flat, stamp, or whatever other name, they nevertheless all remain either a direct tax or an indirect tax.(无论背上增值税、销售税、人头税,税,税款,海关计酬、单位、邮票、或其它什么名字,但一切仍是直接税或间接税。)