


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:55:18



  • 1、What it leaves behind is the circuit, attached to the tissue bycapillary forces and supported by it.(此时,集成电路会在毛细管力作用下紧紧贴附在人体组织上,并良好地固定在那里。)
  • 2、For safety consideration due to ruptured seal, reaction ofcapillary fluid with process fluid should be carefully examined.(由于密封破裂出于安全考虑,宜谨慎测试毛细管充液和工艺介质的反应。)
  • 3、Thecapillary gas chromatography was used to isolate and analyze the extracted fatty acids.(用毛细管气相色谱对萃取的脂肪酸进行了分离和分析。)
  • 4、A tube of small internal diameter; holds liquid bycapillary action.(一种有很短直径的管道;通过毛细管作用来盛液体。)
  • 5、AIM: the early changes of diabetic retinopathy are related with the injury of retinalcapillary structure.(目的:糖尿病视网膜病变早期改变与视网膜毛细血管结构损伤有关。)
  • 6、Objective to establish acapillary gas chromatography for determining the contents of phenol and menthol in itch relief agent.(目的建立毛细管气相色谱法同时测定止痒灵中苯酚和薄荷脑的含量。)
  • 7、On one side of the sheet, blood-vessel cells mimic acapillary wall; on the other, lung-cancer cells mimic lung epithelial cells.(在这张图的上边,血管壁细胞模仿毛细血管,,在另一边,模拟肺癌细胞的肺上皮细胞。)
  • 8、Rapidcapillary proliferation is a prominent feature of all early wound healing.(迅速的毛细血管增生是所有早期伤口愈合的一个突出表现。)
  • 9、capillary accords with spleen on function, so it is owned by spleen in viscera-state.(毛细血管符合脾藏的功能特性,在藏象上当归属脾藏。)
  • 10、Each nephron contains a tuft ofcapillary blood vessels (glomerulus) and tiny tubules that lead to larger collecting tubes.(一个肾单元包含一个毛细血管丛(肾小球)和一个细小的小管(肾小管),进而引导到更粗大的收集管。)
  • 11、Using thread or flangecapillary connection.(采用螺纹或法兰毛细管联接。)
  • 12、This paper describes acapillary column gas chromatography method for quantitative analysis of an 0.8 % solution of transfluthrin repellent.(本文描述了用毛细管气相色谱对0.8%四氟菊酯驱蚊药液的定量分析方法。)
  • 13、ResultsThe purity of final product confirmed by HPLC andcapillary zone electrophoresis to be more than 92%.(结果用反相高效液相色谱法和毛细管电泳法鉴定纯度在92%以上。)
  • 14、This consists of acapillary connected to a mercury reservoir.(这由一根与汞池相连的毛细管所构成。)
  • 15、The parameters of glomerulus sclerosis rate and the number of peritubularcapillary were different between LBL and SLBL groups.(LBL组和SLBL组的肾小球硬化率参数和肾小管周围毛细血管数目不同。)
  • 16、capillary high-tech thermal protection device, safe and reliable.(高科技毛细管过热保护装置,安全可靠。)
  • 17、The aerosol performance of this binary system is dependent on both electrostatic andcapillary forces.(这种二元体系的雾化效果依赖于静电和毛细管作用力。)
  • 18、The interconversion of glucose values for venous andcapillary blood is further complicated by the arteriovenous difference.(静脉血糖值与毛细管血糖值之间的相互转换远比动脉静脉差别复杂。)
  • 19、Additionally, the comparison of these two kinds of monolithic columns was performed bycapillary liquid chromatography.(此外,还在毛细管液相色谱条件下比较了这两种整体柱的表现。)
  • 20、The tube formed part of a device called acapillary viscometer used to measure viscosities.(这个试管是一个毛细管粘度计的组成部分,该粘度计是用来测量液体粘度的。)
  • 21、Measure the effects of Tongshu capsule on clotting time by usingcapillary method.(用毛细管法测定通舒胶囊对凝血时间的影响。)
  • 22、The healing agent, then, fills the crack throughcapillary action.(然后愈合剂通过毛细作用而充填裂纹。)
  • 23、When pulmonarycapillary pressure is markedly elevated pulmonary edema ensues.(当肺毛细血管压力明显升高时,就出现肺水肿。)
  • 24、Neonatalcapillary hemangioma can cure me, is no longer difficult problem, choose the professional hospital can easily cured.(新生儿毛细血管瘤能医治吗,已经不再是难题,选择专业的医院便可以轻松治愈。)
  • 25、When a Krispie absorbs milk, thecapillary forces push the air to shatter the cavities' walls -- and make a noise.(当吸收牛奶之后,在毛细管中挤压空气使空洞的壁开裂因而造成响声。)
  • 26、Classic theory presumed thatcapillary vessel changes was the most basic pathological changes.(经典理论认为最基本的病理改变为微血管改变。)
  • 27、The gasoline detection system consists of acapillary restriction.(汽油检测系统由毛细管节流器组成。) 【hao86.com好工具】



英 [kəˈpɪləri] 美 [ˈkæpəleri] 
名词复数: capillaries

