1、But, regretfully, that's not how ourcapitalist economy works.(但是,遗憾的是,这不是我们的资本家所考虑的。)
2、But Mr Andreessen is hardly a typical venturecapitalist.(但是安山先生实在算不上一个典型的风险投资者。)
3、It was a movement of people who rejectedcapitalist society.(那是人们抗拒资本社会的运动。)
4、We live in acapitalist society.(我们生活在资本主义社会。)
5、They believed strongly that democracy depended on responsibility and that a growingcapitalist economy depended on the productivity of worker.(他们坚信,民主靠的是责任感,而不断发展的资本主义经济取决于工人的生产力。)
6、"I told him to work faster", answers thecapitalist.(我叫他干活快点,资本家答。)
7、"I sold products and bought them", answers thecapitalist.(资本家答:我卖货的钱买的。)
8、"Huh", and thecapitalist quickly adds, "Well, I own the machines".(“嗯…”,资本家马上说:机器可是我的啊!)
10、The inventions make possible things thecapitalist owners cannot envision.(这些发明能够使资本家无法想象的事情成为可能。)
11、The fact is that Douglass was attracted to these democratic-capitalist ideals of his time because they could be used to attack slavery and the doctrine of White supremacy.(事实上,道格拉斯被他那个时代的民主资本主义理想所吸引,因为这些理想可以用来攻击奴隶制和白人至上主义。)
12、In the early 1970's, the Soviet Union began to give firms and industries some of the flexibility in adjusting prices that a more informal evolution has accorded thecapitalist system.(20世纪70年代初,苏联开始在价格调整上给予企业和工业一些与资本主义制度一致的灵活性,这是一种更为非正式的演变。)
13、With unification, East Germany was subsumed bycapitalist West Germany.(统一后,东德被归入资本主义的西德。)
14、He doesn't work, said the lady. He is acapitalist.(他不工作,夫人回答说,他是个资本家。)
15、In a way, top management ACTS as a venturecapitalist.(从某种意义上说,高层管理人员扮演着风险投资家的角色。)
16、Perhaps I should call that venturecapitalist back and take that bet.(或许我应该打电话给那位风投,接受他的赌约。)
17、The 10 topics that a venturecapitalist cares about are(VC最关心的10个主题)
18、Here's how to assess your readiness to become a venturecapitalist.(根据以下准则衡量你是否已经为成为一个风险投资家做好准备了。)
19、One Silicon Valley venturecapitalist questioned my decision.(一位在硅谷从事风投的先生质疑我的决定。)
20、Johann Fust, a local venturecapitalist, loaned him 800 guilders in 1450.(约翰·福斯特,一位当地的资本家,1450年贷给他800荷兰盾。)
21、Acapitalist is walking through his factory with a friend.(一个资本家和他的朋友穿过资本家的工厂。) hao86.com