
更新时间:2025-03-02 21:08:43



  • 1、Thecadet Corps is under the CAS Youth Wing. It has an establishment of 23 all-male units, six all-female units and three mixed units.(少年团隶属民安队少年事务部,合共有23支男子支队、6支女子支队及3支混合支队。)
  • 2、One foggy April night in Berlin, Hans Leip, a young officercadet and budding poet, was standing guard outside a fusiliers barracks.(4月的柏林,一个雾蒙蒙的夜晚,汉斯·莱普正站在一个燧发枪团的营房外站岗。他既是一个年轻的军校学员,又是一个崭露头角的诗人。)
  • 3、He was an Air Force captain, and his blue uniform stood out amid our Army olive drab andcadet gray.(他是一名空军上尉,他那蓝色的制服在我们陆军的草绿色制服和暗灰色制服中间格外显眼。)
  • 4、Matt, whose brother Peter, 16 was also acadet, first fell ill two weeks ago after a barbecue.(马特,彼得的兄弟,16也是一个学员,首先病倒两星期前,后烧烤。)
  • 5、Her boyfriend is acadet of West Point.(她的男朋友是西点军校的一名军校生。)
  • 6、It is believed thatcadet Douglas MacArthur and a small group ofcadets put the reveille cannon on the Clock Tower one night.(据说是一个名叫道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟的学员还有一小群学员在晚上把起床号大炮放到了钟塔的顶端。)
  • 7、Who can doubt the commitment of such a promising youngcadet?(谁能怀疑这样一个有前途的年轻人的承诺吗?。)
  • 8、During the first 18 days, most of the basic training takes place within thecadet area.(在前18天里面,大多数的基本训练都在学员区域中展开。)
  • 9、The 25-year-old who uses the nickname "Ah Egg" in her blog, started training as acadet in 2007.(这位25岁的博客名字叫“阿蛋”的女警官,从2007年开始作为一位学员开始培训。)
  • 10、Objective To determine the norm of SCL-90 in Chinesecadet and provide basic data for psychological research incadets.(目的建立军校学员SCL-90常模,为学员研究和招考工作提供心理学参考依据。)
  • 11、It is the two-handed sword of King Arthur and depicted over the door of thecadet Chapel.(它是亚瑟王的双手剑,并且被描绘在了学员教堂的大门上。)
  • 12、Determined to exact revenge upon the Jedi, Boba poses as a clonecadet to sneak aboard a Jedi Cruiser.(决意要向绝地报仇,波巴假扮成克隆人军校学员,潜入一艘绝地巡洋舰。) (好工具
  • 13、Ever have an official of the employed femalecadet officials?(可曾有一名正式被聘用的女性下等官员吗?)
  • 14、Anothercadet with high boots had approached her but she didn't like high boots and so she said no to him.(另一个穿着高筒靴的学员走近她,但是她不喜欢高筒靴,所以拒绝了他。)
  • 15、The dream of a spacecadet?(太空军校学员的梦想吗?)
  • 16、Acadet aged 17 died yesterday after taking steroids in a tragic bid to get into the Marines.(阿学员昨天17岁去世后,服用类固醇的悲剧争取进入海军陆战队。)
  • 17、Thecadets who were hijacked from Razmakcadet College, they were kidnapped from Jani Khel.(那些从拉兹·马克学员学院被劫持的学员是在贾尼海勒区被绑架的。)
  • 18、Who officially sanctioned or authorized the formation of thecadet Honor Committee?(谁认可或者授权于成立学员荣誉委员会?)
  • 19、Two figures dashed out ahead of the strollers that evening, a small schoolboy-cadet and a big amiable dog;(那天傍晚,两个黑影在散步者前面冲出松林,一个小小的童子军和一条喜欢人的大狗;)
  • 20、John:Escargot for me…and a bottle of Moutoncadet.(约翰:我要一份烧蜗牛……再来一瓶酒。)
  • 21、Vladimar Radmonivic - He is a spacecadet no more.(拉德马诺维奇——他不再是太空宇航员。)
  • 22、Aviation is the Trade Winds from acadet pilots to the air transport is the best starting point for change.(信风航空是您从一个飞行学员向航空运输飞行员转变的最好起点。)
  • 23、Hayward joined the Army Air Force as an Aviationcadet in early 1942 and completed B-25 pilot training in March of 1943.(1942年初,海沃德作为一名航空军官学校的学生加入了陆军航空兵,并于1943年3月完成了B-25飞行员的训练。)



英 [kəˈdet] 美 [kəˈdɛt] 
名词: cadetship
