
can not but造句

can not but造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:17:47


can not but造句

  • 1、Mammals do have the ability to regulate their body temperature, but not all can do it to the same degree, or even the same way.(哺乳动物确实有调节它们体温的能力,但并不是所有哺乳动物都能做到同样的程度,或甚至以同样的方式调节体温。)
  • 2、Studying abroad can not only broaden our horizons but also enrich our life experience.(出国留学不仅可以开阔我们的视野,而且能丰富人生经验。)
  • 3、Staying calm is not easy, but it can save your life.(保持冷静不容易,但这可以挽救你的生命。)
  • 4、Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another.(奇怪的是,有些人发现他们能闻到一种花的香味但闻不到另一种。)
  • 5、I like warm and tropical areas, but I also can live anywhere it's not too cold.(我喜欢温暖的热带地区,但我也能住在气候不太冷的任何地方。)
  • 6、All best friends are friends, but not all friends can be best friends.(所有最好的朋友都是朋友,但并不是所有的朋友都能成为最好的朋友。)
  • 7、Reading can not only make me feel relaxed but also satisfy my need to broaden my horizon.(阅读不仅可以让我感到放松,而且还可以满足我扩大视野的需求。)
  • 8、We can believe the molecular data, the DNA, or we can believe the skeleton trail, but unfortunately, not both.(我们可以相信分子数据和DNA,或者我们可以相信骨架线索,但不幸的是,我们不能两者都相信。)
  • 9、A heartfelt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it stronger.(一个真诚的道歉不仅能治愈一段受损的关系,而且能使之更牢固。)
  • 10、Maize contains the vitamin niacin, but not in a form the body can absorb.(玉米中含有维生素烟酸,但不以人体可吸收的形式存在。)
  • 11、Not everyone can become great artists , but great artists can come from anywhere.(不是每个人都能成为伟大的艺术家,但是伟大的艺术家可能来自任何地方。)
  • 12、Ican not but admire your decision.(我不得不钦佩你的决定。)
  • 13、Cans can hold what they can, but can not hold things that can't be canned.(能装进罐头的东西就可以装进罐头,不应该被装进罐头的东西就不能装进罐头。)
  • 14、Perhaps you can recall what was said but not in what language it was said.(也许你能回忆起说了什么,但却想不起来说的是什么语言。)
  • 15、I can tell you that unicorns are not cats but unicorns don't meow.(我可以告诉你独角兽不是猫,但是独角兽不会叫。)
  • 16、Many animals can harm me, but I do not harm them.(许多动物可能会伤害我,但我不伤害它们。) hao86.com
  • 17、As the man, I appreciate such woman, because the such outstanding woman wecan not but appreciate.(作为男人,我是欣赏这样的女人,因为这样优秀的女人我们不得不欣赏。)
  • 18、Their child is at the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.(他们的小孩现在会说单个的字,但不会说完整的句子。)
  • 19、AAA information file can be used not only for identity mapping but also for authentication and authorization.(AAA信息文件不仅可用于身份映射,还可以用于身份验证和授权。)
  • 20、A farmer produced a bale of hay. One horse or another can eat it, but not both.(一位农民产出了一捆干草。一匹马或另一匹马可以把它吃掉,但不可以两匹都吃。)
  • 21、We can earn more money in the future, but I'm not sure we can change men's attitudes.(将来我们可以赚更多钱,但我不确定我们能否改变男人的态度。)
  • 22、It's a longish poem, not in your anthology, but you can find it in The Complete Yeats.(这是一首很长的诗,你们的选集里没有,但在《叶芝诗选》里可以找到。)
  • 23、Looks may not kill, but they can leave you feeling peckish.(长相也许不会致命,但它们可能会让你感到饥肠辘辘。)
  • 24、Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she's not taking it in.(莱斯莉解释了可行的治疗方法,但是你可以看得出她没有领会。)
  • 25、Many of us thrive on competition, but it can seep into areas of our lives where we do not want it.(我们许多人靠竞争而发展,但竞争也会逐渐侵入到我们生活中不需要它的一些方面。)
  • 26、Happiness can be achieved, but not through surgery.(幸福可以实现,但不是通过手术。)
  • 27、The plants in these colonies also need tough resilient stems above the soil, stems that can bent a lot but not break as water constantly crashes into them.(这些殖民地的植物也需要坚硬有弹性的茎高于土壤,茎可以弯曲很多,但不会断裂,因为水不断闯入他们。)
  • 28、The child is at the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.(那个孩子正处于能说单个单词而不能说完整句子的阶段。)

can not but基本释义

can not but

英 [kæn nɔt bʌt] 美 [kən nɑt bʌt] 
