


更新时间:2024-06-23 23:54:01



  • 1、A scan revealed a small tumor, approximately onecentimeter across, in the center of the pancreas, the court's statement said.(最高法院的声明说,扫描显示在胰腺中部有一个大约直径一厘米的癌组织。)
  • 2、The mouse has indeed only onecentimeter length of the femur and the elephant is, indeed, hundred times longer.(1厘米,这是老鼠的股骨长度,大象的长度,是它的整整100倍。)
  • 3、You will shortly see on the screen there seven marks which are onecentimeter apart.(很快你们在屏幕上,可以,看到相隔1厘米的几个标记。)
  • 4、The rain had cemented bits of sand, silt and clay into clumps up to acentimeter wide.(雨水把小粒的沙子、淤泥和尘土粘合成厘米大的团块儿。)
  • 5、It is a small beautiful 3.1 inch (8centimeter) aquatic organism exhibiting radiant charm and velvety appearance.(火焰墨鱼是一种3.1英寸(8厘米)左右的小巧美丽的水下生物,拥有者火焰一般的吸引力和天鹅绒一般柔软的外表。) Hao86.com
  • 6、The HTC EVO 3d and LG Optimus 3d feature 11-centimeter displays that use parallax barrier screens to provide a 3-d effect.(宏达的EVO3d和LG的Optimus3d11厘米显示器的特点是利用视差格栅屏幕来实现3d效果。)
  • 7、In one cubiccentimeter of air there are about 2, 000 ions.(一立方厘米的空气中约有2000个离子。)
  • 8、Place a yardstick on the floor. Secure it by placing a piece of tape across the yardstick at the 15-inch (38-centimeter) mark.(放一个码尺在地板上,用胶带固定码尺在15英寸(38厘米)标志处。)
  • 9、A seed only needs one cubiccentimeter of soil to grow.(一颗种子只需要一立方厘米的土壤就能生长。)
  • 10、If you plant chili peppers inside, fill an eight-centimeter pot with soil.(如果你在室内种植红辣椒,将一个八厘米深的花盆装满泥土。)
  • 11、Thousands of cells combine to generate the 5 millivolts percentimeter electrical field the fish USES.(数千个细胞加起来可产生每厘米5毫伏的电场。)
  • 12、You may not think a bagel tastes salty, but a typical 4-inch (10-centimeter) oat-bran bagel has about 532 mg of sodium.(你可能觉得百吉饼尝起来不咸,但一块典型的4英寸(10厘米)大的燕麦百吉饼却含将近532毫克的钠。)
  • 13、Who guesses onecentimeter?(谁猜的一厘米?)
  • 14、All the samples were taken from acentimeter-long, extremely thin ribbon of the metallic glass.(所有的样品都取自一厘米长的极薄的金属玻璃带。)
  • 15、Technicians slice the brain as if it were a loaf of bread into slabs up to about acentimeter thick.(工作人员如对待面包一般将大脑切成一厘米厚的切片。)
  • 16、I'm going to give it a 20-centimeter offset, which is here, and then I will start it when it comes back here.(我将给它,20厘米的偏移,在这里,然后当它回到这里,我开始计时。)
  • 17、It's as close as I can see it to 20, but all these readings are no more accurate than half acentimeter or so.(依然是20厘米,这些读数不再,比0。5厘米更精确。)
  • 18、Women average 34 nerve fibers per squarecentimeter of facial skin, while men only average 17 nerve fibers.(女性在每平方的表面皮肤上平均有34个神经纤维,而男性只有17个神经纤维。)
  • 19、Who guesses onecentimeter? Who guesses 10centimeters?(谁认为是一厘米?谁猜十厘米?)
  • 20、The up-to-three-inch-long (about seven-centimeter-long) leech has large teeth, like its dinosaur namesake Tyrannosaurus rex.(这种体型长达三英寸(约合7厘米)的水蛭长有巨大的牙齿,科学家因此借用霸王龙的称呼为其命名。)
  • 21、At Dowa's plant, computer chips and other vital parts from electronics are hacked into two-centimeter squares.(在Dowa的回收厂,电脑芯片和其他电子产品的主要部分被切割成2厘米见方的小块。)
  • 22、And each one of those cars has this ten-centimeter metal plate.(这两辆车,都有10厘米的金属板。)
  • 23、I can measure that, because I pull it by onecentimeter and I find the acceleration it exerts on a known mass.(我可以测量它了,因为我把它拉到了一厘米,我发现它对一个已知质量施加的加速度。)
  • 24、Generally speaking, Japanese man has eightcentimeter.(一般来说,日本男子的手有8厘米宽。)
  • 25、And each mark is about onecentimeter apart, so this is a journey of about fourcentimeters.(每个标记相隔1厘米,所以这是4厘米的旅程。)
  • 26、There are just two hydrogen atoms per cubiccentimeter on average in space, which poses no threat to spaceships traveling at low speeds.(太空中平均每立方厘米只有两个氢原子,这对低速飞行的宇宙飞船不构成威胁。)
  • 27、Anybody want to guess? You know, acentimeter.(有人愿意猜一猜吗?想想,一厘米。)
  • 28、Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated onecentimeter into the wood.(有一次,王羲之在木板上刻字,后来刻字的人发现墨汁渗入木板有三尺深。)
  • 29、He added, at this speed, they will be generating more heat per cubiccentimeter than a nuclear reactor.(他补充,在这种速度下,每立方厘米产生的热将超过核反应堆。)



英 ['sentɪˌmi:tə] 美 [ˈsɛntəˌmitɚ] 
