
更新时间:2024-06-23 23:54:02



  • 1、When a Negro died his friend and relatives formed a procession to carry the body to thecemetery.(一个黑人死后,他的朋友和亲戚组成一个队伍把他的遗体抬到墓地。)
  • 2、It is the oldestcemetery ever found in the Pacific islands, and it harbors the remains of an ancient people archaeologists call the Lapita.(这是太平洋岛屿上至今为止发现的最古老的墓地,埋葬着考古学家称之为拉皮塔人的古代居民的遗骸。)
  • 3、The body was interred at thatcemetery.(尸体下葬在那个公墓。)
  • 4、He was buried in Highgatecemetery.(他被安葬在海格特墓地。)
  • 5、The whole area has been shocked by the desecration of thecemetery.(整个地区都被对公墓的亵渎震惊了。)
  • 6、His remains were interred in thecemetery.(他的遗体葬在墓地。)
  • 7、Grass and weeds grew rank over the wholecemetery.(整个墓地杂草丛生。)
  • 8、On our last day, the hotel manager gave me a map of the island, marking the old church, the lighthouse, and a piratecemetery.(在我们离开的那天,酒店的经理送给我们一张地图,上面标注了这里古老的教堂、灯塔和海盗公墓。)
  • 9、This is acemetery.(这是个公墓。)
  • 10、Occasionally I met acemetery gardener or an old woman with a watering can and gardening shears.(我偶尔会遇到一个墓地园丁,或者一个拿着喷壶和园艺剪刀的老妇人。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 11、Little white markers cut out of polythene bags are still planted along the narrow rubble lane to thecemetery.(从聚乙烯袋子上剪下的白色小标记依然安置在通往墓地的狭窄碎石小路上。)
  • 12、She rests beside her husband in the localcemetery.(在当地的墓地里,她长眠在她丈夫的墓旁。)
  • 13、He lies at rest in the Martyrs'cemetery.(他在烈士陵园安息着。)
  • 14、Undeterred, he crept into thecemetery under the cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow.(他没有被吓住,在黑暗的掩护下,拖着一个困惑的雕刻家,蹑手蹑脚地走进墓地。)
  • 15、Between them, they know the location of the treasure, buried in a grave in acemetery, yet only their combined knowledge will lead them to the prize.(其中,他们知道财富的位置,这些财富与墓地中的尸体埋葬在一起,只有他们联合的智慧才能引导他们找到战利品。)
  • 16、Another really interesting thing about here is it used to be a Romancemetery.(还有一件很有趣的事情,这里曾是一个罗马墓地。)
  • 17、Mumbet's tombstone still stands in the Massachusettscemetery where she was buried.(马姆贝特的墓碑仍然矗立在马萨诸塞州公墓,那儿埋葬着她的尸体。)
  • 18、The martyr lies in thecemetery.(烈士被葬在公墓。)
  • 19、"What's going on?" he asks acemetery worker.(“怎么回事啊?”他问墓地的工作人员。)
  • 20、They might also be brought to thecemetery for prayers and blessings.(他们也可能被带到墓地去祈祷并祝福。)
  • 21、A clown in acemetery.(一个在墓园里的小丑。)
  • 22、After the hour-long service, his body was taken to acemetery in the south of the city.(长达1小时的宗教仪式之后,他的遗体被送往城南的一座公墓里。)
  • 23、It's... acemetery.(那可是……公墓。)
  • 24、Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the side of the road that the town has made it a deal with a local petcemetery to collect and dispose of the bodies.(司机经常与鹿相撞,路边留下了如此之多的尸体,因此小镇与当地的宠物墓地就收集和处理尸体达成协议。)
  • 25、Will melt fromcemetery Road.(将从墓园路开始融化。)
  • 26、It had become a pauper'scemetery in 1769.(在1769年这里变成了乞丐的墓区。)
  • 27、These injuries resemble those on skulls from a 1461 battlefieldcemetery in England, Murphy says.(墨菲说,这些创伤很像英国一个1461年的战场墓地中颅骨的创伤。)
  • 28、The funeral was at the mountaincemetery.(葬礼安排在山林墓地。)
  • 29、His remains have been exhumed from acemetery in Queens.(他的遗体已被从昆士郡的一个墓地里挖了出来。)
  • 30、Gunmen guarded homes near thecemetery with shotguns.(枪手携带猎枪守卫着公墓附近的住宅。)



英 [ˈsemətri] 美 [ˈseməteri] 
名词复数: cemeteries

