
channel tunnel造句

channel tunnel造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 21:07:53


channel tunnel造句

  • 1、Recently, there has again been great interest in the idea of achannel tunnel.(近来,对英吉利海峡隧道的念头有了很大兴趣。)
  • 2、Once through, you're into what was the sea wall and a small beach, but is now a nature reserve, created out of the spoil of thechannel tunnel.(出了隘口,你就看见了海堤,还有一片小小的沙滩,现在这里是从英吉利海峡隧道弃土中开发出的一片自然保护区。)
  • 3、A high-speedchannel tunnel train takes you to the sights in Paris.(高速的海峡隧道火车带你领略巴黎的风光。)
  • 4、As for thechannel tunnel, please note that advance booking are essential.(至于海峡隧道,请记住必须预定。)
  • 5、In 1986, The anglo-frenchchannel tunnel treaty signed officially.(1986年,英法海峡隧道条约正式签字。)
  • 6、"I hitchhiked to thechannel tunnel, got a free ride as the passenger of a French woman and hitched to Brittany," she said.(说:“先搭顺风车到了隧道口,然后又到一位法国女士把免费带到了目地。”) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 7、Whether thechannel tunnel should be built or not is a knotty point.(该不该修英吉利海峡隧道,是一个难以决定的复杂问题。)
  • 8、Trains will speed through thechannel tunnel at 186mph.(火车将以每小时186英里的速度快速穿过海峡隧道。)
  • 9、Thechannel tunnel connected Britain to Europe.(英法海底隧道把英国和欧洲连接起来了。)
  • 10、The world had to wait almost another 100 years (21) thechannel tunnel.(世人不得不再等上差不多100年才看到海峡隧道的建成。)
  • 11、Eurostar trains have four different power systems for France, Belgium, thechannel tunnel and the London commuter lines they had to use while waiting for the high-speed link to open.(在等候高速连接开通的同时,欧洲之星列车针对法国,比利时,海峡隧道以及伦敦等必须使用的车道,拥有四套不同的电力系统。)
  • 12、Elise Wasserman and Karl Roebuck investigate when a couple are abducted from thechannel tunnel in front of their young daughter.(伊莉斯·沃瑟曼和卡尔·罗巴克公司调查当一对夫妇被拐卖从英吉利海峡隧道在他们年轻的女儿面前。)
  • 13、A host of problems may delay the opening of thechannel tunnel.(可能推迟英吉利海峡隧道开通的问题一大筐。)
  • 14、A giant set of Olympic rings has been unveiled at the entrance to thechannel tunnel in France.(法国英伦海峡海底隧道入口处挂起一副奥运五环的巨大塑像。)
  • 15、Thechannel tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe.(英吉利海峡隧道把英国和欧洲其他国家连接起来了。)
  • 16、Some of the worst affected travellers are those who had hoped to take thechannel tunnel rail service to France and Belgium.(受影响最严重的是希望通过英吉利海峡隧道前往法国和比利时的人。)
  • 17、French officials say a fire in thechannel tunnel is now largely extinguished but firefighters are still working to lower the temperature and cool down secondary blazes.(法国官员说,连接英国与法国的海底火车隧道的大火已经基本扑灭,但是消防人员仍然在努力降低温度并熄灭后续引发的火焰。)
  • 18、The world had to wait almost another 100 years for thechannel tunnel.(世界不得不再等将近100年才看到海峡隧道竣工。)
  • 19、This would exceed the combined lengths of the two longest undersea tunnels on Earth, the Seikan tunnel and thechannel tunnel.(这将超过地球上两个最长的海底隧道青函隧道和英法隧道的长度总合。)
  • 20、Thechannel tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe.(英吉利海峡隧道对于建立一个统一的欧洲具有重大的象征意义。)
  • 21、He was helping wire up thechannel tunnel last season.(他上一季在协助英吉利海峡隧道的电缆铺设工作。)
  • 22、The organizers hope to use the newchannel tunnel Rail Linkat St Pancras in central London to bring even more people to the Gaes.(组织者希望通过位于市中心且连接英伦海底隧道的圣潘克拉斯火车站运送更多人观看奥运会。)
  • 23、Thechannel tunnel tells a different story.(英吉利海底隧道叙述着一个不同的故事。)
  • 24、The notion of achannel tunnel first saw the light of day more than a century ago .(海峡隧道的构想在一百多年前就已提出。)
  • 25、Travel under the English Channel and see for yourself on Megastructures: thechannel tunnel.(您可以在《伟大建筑巡礼:英法海底隧道》中一探英伦海峡究竟。)

channel tunnel基本释义

channel tunnel

英 [ˈtʃænl ˈtʌnəl] 美 [ˈtʃænəl ˈtʌnəl] 
