1、Food is the cinema'scash crop, so he can't give it away for free. Understand?(吃的可是电影院主要的收入来源,所以他不可能给我们免费食物,懂么?)
2、They cultivated in mountainous areas of Jiangxi province, planting thecash crop and food farm crop.(他们在江西的山区进行垦殖,种植经济作物和粮食作物。)
3、Michael: I see. What is the maincash crop?(迈克尔:我明白了。那主要的收入来源是什么呢?)
4、Cranberries are a majorcash crop in New Jersey.(蔓越橘是新泽西州的一种主要经济作物。)
5、Vegetables, peanut and cotton were the maincash crops and vegetables became the first largest areacash crop instead of cotton.(蔬菜、花生与棉花是主要的经济作物,棉花第一大经济作物的地位为蔬菜所取代。)
6、Cotton is acash crop in the South.(在南方,棉花是经济作物。)
7、Maize is a major grain crop in Sichuan Province and also an important feed crop and acash crop suitable for the deep processing into various products.(玉米是四川主要的粮食作物,又是重要的饲料作物及适于深加工获得多种产品的经济作物。)
8、Billy: Snack food is the maincash crop.(比利:零食是主要的收入来源。)
9、Cotton is an importantcash crop. Improving the fiber quality is the one of main breeding objectives in cotton breeding.(棉花是世界性重要的经济作物,棉纤维品质改良是棉花育种的主攻目标之一。)
10、Cotton is not only a cardinalcash crop, but also an important raw material for textile industry.(棉花是重要的经济作物,棉纤维是最重要的纺织工业原料。)
11、Rapeseed is the very importantcash crop in China and Canada.(油菜在中国和加拿大都是非常重要的经济作物。)
12、It is late June and the rainy season is coming to an end. Tomatoes are a valuablecash crop during the coming dry season and Mr Makawa wants to plant his seedlings as soon as possible.(时值六月末,雨季行将结束,在未来的旱季中西红柿将是相当有价值的经济作物,因此Makawa先生希望能够尽快将西红柿幼苗种好。)
13、It is recorded that by 1777, there were between 18 and 19 million coffee trees on Martinique, and the model for a newcash crop that could be grown in the new World was in place.(据记载,到了1777年,马提尼克岛有一千八百到一千九百万株咖啡树。于是,在新大陆上种植摇钱树的模式也就形成了。)
14、But wisdom teeth weren't always acash crop for oral surgeons. Long ago, they served as a useful third set of meat-mashing molars.(很久以前,智齿是作为把肉嚼碎的第三磨牙而派大用处的,不是像现在只是留给口腔医生去拔掉。)
15、Hill-tribe farmers in Luang Nam Tha province, after several hungry years without their traditionalcash crop, have smiles on their faces again.(琅南塔省山区部落的农民由于失去了这一传统的经济作物而忍饥挨饿好些年,如今笑容重新绽放在他们脸上。)
16、The cash dividends they get from thecash crop would sustain them during the lean season.(他们从经济作物中得到的那些现金红利能支撑他们度过歉收季节。)
17、High Valuecash crop, vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and etc.(高档经济作物,蔬菜,果树,花卉等。)
18、Aside from some stoned tourists and the occasional hallucinating wallaby -- yes, really -- Tasmania has seen few ill effects from its flourishingcash crop.(除了某些飘飘欲仙的游客和偶尔的出现幻觉的澳洲土人,塔斯马尼亚确实还没有从这种繁荣的产业中看到什么弊病。)
19、cash crop is a crop, such as tobacco, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed.(经济作物为直接出售而非作为家畜饲料而种植的庄稼,如烟草。) hao86.com