
cash prize造句

cash prize造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 21:08:13


cash prize造句

  • 1、Napoleon was so happy to have such a keen supporter that Nicholas Chauvin was given a ceremonial sword and acash prize.(拿破仑十分高兴有这样狂热的支持者,便赏赐给NicholasChauvin一把仪式用剑,还有一些奖金。)
  • 2、The Baxter China Young Investigator Awards program consists of two tiers; first tier awards include a 10,000CNYcash prize and an onsite visit to present the award-winning research.(百特中国青年研究者奖分为两等:一等奖包括10,000元人民币的现金奖励以及到苏州百特研发现场访问,同时进行获奖研究展示;)
  • 3、The next six among the rest will get thecash prize. The contestant who demonstrates the most creativity will receive a special prize sponsored by Ercsson Company .(接下来的六名优胜者将会获得现金奖。最具创造力的选手获得由爱立信公司赞助的特别奖。)
  • 4、As an extra bonus, for each touchdown you make there is a bonuscash prize!(由于时额外的奖金,每获得一分就会有现金奖金!) hao86.com
  • 5、Everyone was all ears as soon as I mentioned acash prize.(我一提到现金奖励所有的人都马上全神贯注地倾听了。)
  • 6、They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won.(他们没有领奖品而是领了现金。)
  • 7、Hence if a player has accumulated a $150 bonus and wins acash prize of $100 they can then claim a prize of $250.(如果中奖者得到150美元的积分,并赢得100美元的现金,可以领取250美元的奖金。)
  • 8、I won a 2000-yuancash prize in an on-line survey activity and I'm fetching my money now.(我在一个网上调查活动中赢得了两千元现金。我现在去领钱。)
  • 9、Thecash prize for gold is five times the amount promised to athletes in past Olympic meets.(对金牌获得者的奖励是之前奥运会上承诺给予运动员的奖励的五倍。)
  • 10、What is there, acash prize?(怎么了,是有现金大奖么?)
  • 11、I paid last year's taxes online, and now I just got a phone call telling me I won acash prize!(我上网缴去年的税,而刚才我接到电话通知我赢了现金奖。)
  • 12、There's also acash prize worth more than a million dollars.(获奖者还会得到一百多万美元的现金奖金。)
  • 13、On entry, all the participants would be provided with a $50 bonus and acash prize of $200 would also be given to a single couple.(在入口处,所有的参与者将会提供一个50美元的奖金和200美元的现金奖励也会给一个单一的夫妇。)
  • 14、The game was simple: when an icon on the left-hand reel lined up with the same icon on a right-hand one, the volunteer won acash prize of 50 pence (75 cents).(游戏很简单:只要左手边卷轮的图像与右手卷轮的图像排列成行,这名志愿者就能获得现金50便士(75分)。)
  • 15、The last person remaining will win acash prize and a spot on People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful list.(而最后获胜的参赛者除了赢取一笔现金奖励外,还可以得到《人物》杂志“世界上100位最美丽的人”的一席之位。)
  • 16、He offered an enormouscash prize to anyone who could build a clock that would remain accurate at sea.(为了解决在海上计算经线的问题,1675年英格兰国王查理二世下令建造了皇家格林尼治天文台,同时他还悬赏了一大笔奖金,给予第一个发明出在海上也能准确计时的钟表的人。)
  • 17、The competition lasts a full month and the winner will receive acash prize.(这些竞赛者要坚持一整月,胜利者会得到一笔现金奖励。)
  • 18、Three top-prize winners, five Acknowledgement Prizes, and five Next Generation Prizes received a totalcash prize of US$330,000.(三个主奖奖项(金银铜)、五个认可奖奖项和五个新生代奖奖项的得主将会收到共计高达33万美元的奖金。)
  • 19、If there are more than two winners for the same prize, the Committee will revise the amount ofcash prize at its own discretion.(如果有超过二个优胜者为同样奖,组委会将按照修改奖金的总额。)
  • 20、In their first study, Dr Caruso and his team recruited 101 students and asked them to imagine they were taking part in a team trivia game with acash prize.(在第一个研究中,卡鲁索博士研究小组征募了101名大学生,要求他们设想自己将要参加一个分组进行的难题问答竞赛,有奖金。)
  • 21、This is from a totalcash prize of 0,000,000 (fifty Million) Euros Shared amongst the first fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.(这是从一个总现金奖?在前五十个(50个)幸运优胜者之中分享的0,000,000(五十百万)欧元在这个类别。)
  • 22、Later, they began searching for sponsors to subsidize acash prize for the winner.(他们后来还开始找寻赞助者来提供奖金给优胜者。)
  • 23、In addition to thecash prize, winning the award means that the judges deemed the Yieldex solution an original way of meeting a marketplace need using AWS.(除了现金奖励,赢得这场大赛还意味着评委认为Yieldex方案具有原创性,通过AWS满足了市场需求。)
  • 24、The team that posts the highest math scores wins the topcash prize of $100.(那个取得最高数学成绩的小组将会赢得100美元的大奖。)
  • 25、Acash prize of 1.4 yuan will be presented to the writer of the winning story.(胜出的新闻报道的作者将获得1.4元的现金奖励。)
  • 26、Obtaining a bonus is not considered acash prize. A player can only claim their bonus when a player wins acash prize.(获得积分并不等于得到现金,只有中现金奖者才能领到奖金。)

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