
carry weight造句

carry weight造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 22:02:31


carry weight造句

  • 1、In 1965 Achebe wrote: "I feel that the English language will be able to carry the weight of my African experience."(1965年阿奇比写到:“我觉得英语可以承载我的非洲经历的重量。”)
  • 2、These concernscarry weight.(这些担忧有一定的分量。)
  • 3、Keeping someone around that can't fit or can't carry his or her weight is a drag on the whole group.(让一个不合适或不能控制其体重的人留下来对整个团队来说都是个拖累。)
  • 4、In binary system the radix is 2, and the positions to the left or right of the binary pointcarry weight increasing or decreasing in power of 2.(二进制系统的基数为2,且从小数点每左进一位或者右退一位,其权增加或者减少2幂次。)
  • 5、The lucky ones have families to return to when they are old enough to carry their weight back on the farm.(一些幸运儿在他们年龄足够大,能够依靠农场生存的时候还可以组建他们自己的家庭。)
  • 6、But many studies of both men and women now suggest that it is not how much you weigh but where you carry your weight that matters most to your health.(然而,很多男女共同参加的研究指出,是身体重量的分布方式,而非体重的数值,对健康更为重要。)
  • 7、On the other hand, unpleasant wordscarry weight, cause irritation and stir up negativity.(另一方面,令人讨厌的话语有分量,引起刺激和带来消极作用。)
  • 8、The boats are anchored at regular distances and they carry the weight of the bridge.(这些船每隔一定的距离就会被锚定,它们承载着桥的重量。)
  • 9、More and more of her hair fell; her scalp could not carry the weight.(她的头皮承受不住重量,头发掉落的愈发厉害。)
  • 10、The agreements now carry the full weight of support of all members states of the IMF and the World Bank.(这些协定目前具有所有国际货币基金会和世界银行成员国的全力支持。)
  • 11、In a vertebrate's arms, muscles do the moving and bones carry the weight.(对脊椎动物的手臂而言,肌肉负责运动,骨骼承受重量。)
  • 12、So their views, which do not match Mr Thant's, alsocarry weight.(所以,他们的观点虽然与吴丹敏相左,但还是有分量的。)
  • 13、Features are not easy to break, easy tocarry weight is very light, the disadvantage is that the quality of bending deformation is easy to poor.(特点是不易折断、携带方便重量很轻,缺点是容易弯曲变形质量较差。)
  • 14、This meant Voyager could lift and carry many times its weight in fuel.(这意味着“航行者”号可以携带着它本身重量许多倍的燃料升空。)
  • 15、Others, such as the considerable cost of an education, carry less weight than they ought to.(而其它组成部分(比如高昂的教育成本)所占的权重则低于应有水平。)
  • 16、When you carry extra weight — even just an extra 5 to 10 percent over your ideal weight range — you increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.(当人体体重超重——及时仅超过理想体重范围的5%~10%——人体患上第2型糖尿病的风险也就大了。)
  • 17、If everybody is forced to carry the weight of the seriously fat, then everybody has an interest in seeing them slim down.(如果每个人都被迫承担超级胖人的重负,那么人人都很希望看到他们苗条下来。)
  • 18、So all eyes are on the upper chamber’s parliamentarian (its official adviser on procedure, currently Alan Frumin), whose rulings carry great weight.(所以,所有人的目光都放在了参议院议事法规专家身上(法律程序的官方顾问,现任为艾伦弗鲁明),他的裁决起到重要作用。)
  • 19、Do letters of recommendation from prominent figures carry much weight if they've had minimal contact with the applicant?(知名人士(和候选人没有什么接触)写的推荐信有分量吗?)
  • 20、Not only is it demoralizing to carry more weight than your ideal, it increases your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis, among other conditions.(压力和失眠不但会增加你的体重,还会加大你患心脏病,糖尿病,癌症,关节炎等其他疾病的风险。)
  • 21、Hostile forces realize that so long AS we of the older generation are still alive andcarry weight, no change is possible.(我们这些老一辈的人在,有分量,敌对势力知道变不了。)
  • 22、His words carry a lot of weight.(他的话很有分量。)
  • 23、As we enjoy seniority, our words will be listened to and willcarry weight.(我们这些老资格,讲话是有人听的,是有分量的。) Hao86.com
  • 24、Remember: personal letters carry much more weight than form letters.(记住:私人信函比套用信函要有分量得多。)

carry weight基本释义

carry weight

英 [ˈkæri weit] 美 [ˈkæri wet] 
有分量; 有影响