更新时间:2025-01-26 22:30:16
a great deal of造句
- 1、You have involved me ina great deal of extra work.(你害得我添了一大堆额外的工作。)
- 2、There isa great deal of pressure on young people to conform.(年轻人被大力要求守规矩。)
- 3、She found herself on the receiving end ofa great deal of criticism.(她发现自己遭到众多的批评。)
- 4、Canada, and Europe have receiveda great deal of media and even research attention over unusual phenomena and unsolved mysteries.(加拿大和欧洲因为一些不寻常的现象和未解的谜团而受到了大量媒体甚至研究的关注。)
- 5、They spenta great deal of money.(他们花了大量的钱。)
- 6、The movie which was adopted from a science fiction, has been attractinga great deal of attention.(这部改编自一部科幻小说的电影,吸引了大量关注。)
- 7、This book requiresa great deal of concentration.(这本书需要全神贯注才能读懂。)
- 8、Stationary cars in traffic jams causea great deal of pollution.(交通堵塞中停止不前的车辆造成大量污染。)
- 9、"We spenda great deal of time studying history," Hawking said, "which, let's face it, is mostly the history of stupidity."(“我们花了大量的时间研究历史,”霍金说,“让我们面对现实吧,这大部分是关于愚蠢的历史。”)
- 10、They have rallieda great deal of support for their campaign.(他们为竞选活动征得了大量的支持。)
- 11、People get exposed toa great deal of marketing for products in which they have no interest and so they become annoyed.(人们会接触到大量他们不感兴趣的产品营销,因此他们会感到烦恼。) haO86.com
- 12、The report containsa great deal of statistical information.(该报告包含大量统计资料。)
- 13、I had wagereda great deal of money that I would beat him.(我下了大赌注打赌,赌这次比赛我会赢他的。)
- 14、The author has condenseda great deal of material into just 100 pages.(作者在短短100页中浓缩了大量信息。)
- 15、Witha great deal of trouble, the grandfather had fitted up this place.(祖父费了好大的劲才把这个地方修葺好。)
- 16、The relationship caused hera great deal of heartache.(这段恋情使她非常伤心。)
- 17、Friends gave mea great deal of encouragement.(朋友们给了我极大的鼓励。)
- 18、They sharea great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis.(他们在互利的基础上进行大量的信息共享。)
- 19、There'sa great deal of variability between individuals.(个体之间存在着很大的可变性。)
- 20、Not uncommonly, there isa great deal of rain in August.(八月份降雨量大并非异常。)
- 21、There isa great deal of research indicating that music activities engage different parts of the brain.(大量的研究表明音乐活动需要大脑的不同部分参与。)
- 22、20th Century Fox forged the musical anda great deal of prestige biographies, while Universal specialized in classic horror movies.(20世纪的福克斯打造了音乐剧和大量的声望传记,而环球则专注于经典恐怖电影。)
- 23、It tooka great deal of time.(这费了很多时间。)
- 24、a great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose gracefully.(大量痛苦的经历已经教会了他如何体面地认输。)
- 25、There is undoubtedlya great deal of truth in what he says.(他所说的的确大部分都是实情。)
- 26、To explain this, they hypothesize that galaxies must containa great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.(为了解释这一点,他们假定银河系一定包含了大量无法探测到的不明物质。)
- 27、Forehead rubbing by male deer on buck rubs presumably sendsa great deal of information to other members of the same species.(雄鹿摩擦前额很可能向同类中的其它成员发出了大量信息。)
- 28、The report revealeda great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency.(报道大量揭示了官僚体制的无能。)
- 29、There wasa great deal of soldierly good fellowship.(这里有诸多真挚的战友情谊。)