
a little bit造句

a little bit造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:24:15


a little bit造句

  • 1、Squint my eyes justa little bit.(让我稍微眯一下眼睛。)
  • 2、These shoes area little bit too tight.(这鞋有点儿紧。)
  • 3、She atea little bit, and said anxiously to herself, "Which way?"(她吃了一点,焦急地问自己:“走哪条路?”) Hao86.com
  • 4、Let me tell youa little bit about the different tracks we have here.(让我为你们介绍一下我们这儿不同的步行路线。)
  • 5、This plant really does good to your health, though tastinga little bit bitter.(这种植物对你的健康真的有好处,虽然尝起来有点苦。)
  • 6、a little bit louder, please.(请大点声。)
  • 7、We should manage, witha little bit of luck.(我们只要有一点点运气就能应付过去。)
  • 8、Raise your heada little bit and hold the saddle and smile a little.(抬一点你的头,拿着马鞍,微笑一下。)
  • 9、Refrigerators are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and justa little bit dull.(冰箱是笨重技术的缩影:坚固、可靠,只是有点呆板。)
  • 10、Can we just backtracka little bit and look at your primary and secondary education?(我们能否稍微回顾一下刚刚提及的你的中小学教育背景?)
  • 11、He wasa little bit cocky when he was about 11 because he was winning everything.(他11岁的时候有点自以为是,因为那时他无往不胜。)
  • 12、The frog explained to them that he wasa little bit deaf.(青蛙向他们解释说他有点聋。)
  • 13、Didn't you find hera little bit too arty?(你不觉得她太有点儿附庸风雅了么?)
  • 14、I wasa little bit afraid of Mrs. Lin because she always looked very serious.(我有点儿怕林女士,因为她总是看上去很严肃。)
  • 15、The law here isa little bit murky.(该法律此处有点含糊不清。)
  • 16、Be friendly because he'sa little bit sensitive.(要友善,因为他有一点敏感。)
  • 17、It was like being a mouse, only daring to nibblea little bit at a time.(它就像一只老鼠,一次只敢吃一点点。)
  • 18、I'ma little bit hungry now.(我现在有点饿了。)
  • 19、Maybe we'll heara little bit less noise.(也许我们听见的噪音会少一点。)
  • 20、I kissed her and she seemeda little bit embarrassed.(我吻了她,她看起来有点尴尬。)
  • 21、They had this little jingle out there, justa little bit of this.(他们外面有这个小叮当声,只有一点点这个声音。)
  • 22、He wasa little bit afraid of his father's reaction.(他有点害怕他父亲的反应。)
  • 23、I really didn't like New York, but I wanted to stick it outa little bit longer.(我真的不喜欢纽约,但我想再稍稍坚持一段时间。)
  • 24、You know these last few months when we've been expecting it to warm upa little bit?(你知道最近这几个月我们一直盼望天气能暖和一些吗?)
  • 25、I'm just trying to highlight things you already knowa little bit about.(我只是想强调一些你们已经知道的东西。)
  • 26、I'm afraid I'ma little bit seasick.(恐怕我有点晕船。)
  • 27、It'sa little bit more healthy, I think, than in a swimming pool.(我觉得,这里会比在游泳池里更健康一点。)
  • 28、Can you turn the volume upa little bit?(你能把音量开大点儿吗?)
  • 29、I understand that there are a number of projects going on. Could you tell usa little bit about those?(我知道有一些项目正在进行之中。你能给我们简单谈谈那些项目吗?)

a little bit基本释义

a little bit

有点儿; 一点儿


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