1、Education itself isa kind of creation.(教育本身就是一种创造。)
2、Ouch. That must bea kind of hurt.(哦,那一定是种伤害。)
3、Skimming isa kind of reading strategy.(略读是一种阅读策略。)
4、It'sa kind of children's day.(这是孩子们的节日。)
5、"The Hewlett-Packard news brings a better tone to the market, which has been ina kind of holding pattern," said one trader.(“惠普的消息带给一直处于停滞的市场一个较好的基调,”一位贸易商说道。) [hao86.com好工具]
6、Lemons area kind of sour fruit.(柠檬是一种酸的水果。)
7、Mango isa kind of fruit.(芒果是一种水果。)
8、It isa kind of warm up.(这是一种热身方式。)
9、Thanksgiving isa kind of happiness.(感恩是一种幸福。)
10、I wonder if there isn't a streak of femininity in him,a kind of sweetness.(我想知道他身上是否没有一丝女性气质,一种温柔。)
11、Lychee is alsoa kind of hot fruits.(荔枝也是一种比较热气的水果种类之一。)
12、I hada kind of feeling this might happen.(我当时就隐约地感到会出这样的事。)
13、She hada kind of vacant look on her face.(在她脸上有一种茫然的表情。)
14、The wish to impose order upon confusion isa kind of intellectual instinct.(对混乱进行有序管理的希望是一种高智力的本能。)
15、Everything isa kind of secret.(一切都是秘密。)
16、Emojis area kind of special language.(表情符号是一种特殊的语言。)
17、Cycling isa kind of outdoor activities.(骑自行车运动时户外运动的一种。)
18、Eggplant isa kind of vegetable.(茄子是一种蔬菜。)
19、They might not have two cents to rub together, but at least they havea kind of lifestyle that is different.(他们也许手里没有几个钱,但至少他们过着一种与众不同的生活方式。)
20、The mist had been replaced bya kind of haze that seemed to amplify the heat.(这薄雾已经被一种热汽代替了,这似乎加重了炎热的程度。)
21、She hada kind of missionary zeal about bringing culture to the masses.(她对把文化带给大众具有一种传教士般的热情。)
22、This special paper was actually thin, soft Sugiwara paper that had been stiffened witha kind of paste.(这种特殊的纸实际上是一种面浆浆过的轻薄柔软的衫原纸。)
23、Whale isa kind of mammals.(鲸鱼是一种哺乳类动物。)
24、The banana plant isa kind of tree.(香蕉树是一种树。)
25、He felta kind of happiness mingled with regret.(他感到既高兴又遗憾。)
26、That'sa kind of acting.(那也算是一种表演嘛。)
27、The earth surface of the courtyard extended intoa kind of rudimentary kitchen.(院子的泥土地面延伸进一间类似简易厨房的地方。)
28、The book isa kind of allegory of Latin American history.(这本书有点像是拉丁美洲历史的寓言。)
29、'Eat' has the selectional restriction that it must be followed bya kind of food, so 'I eat sky' is not possible.(eat一词之后限跟某种食物,所以不可能说Ieatsky。)
30、Chapattis area kind of flat Indian bread.(chapatti是一种印度薄饼。)