
更新时间:2025-03-02 21:13:54



  • 1、Scientists now suspect they are also making Alaskan seas moreacidic.(科学家们现在怀疑碳排放正在使阿拉斯加外海的酸度增加。)
  • 2、But as carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, ocean water becomes moreacidic.(但随着大气中二氧化碳含量的增加,海水变得酸性更强。)
  • 3、They will literally dissolve in moreacidic oceans.(实际上,珊瑚礁在酸性强的海洋中会溶解。)
  • 4、Virtually all diseases are caused byacidic terrain(几乎所有的疾病都是由酸性内环境引起的;)
  • 5、Limits to defenses against warmth andacidic waters.(抵抗气候变暖和酸化水质的极限。)
  • 6、Dissolved carbon dioxide makes the water moreacidic.(溶解的二氧化碳使水更具酸性。)
  • 7、The sea is becoming moreacidic.(海洋正变得越来越酸性化。)
  • 8、Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that's subtlyacidic, with the sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center.(番石榴是一种不太出名的热带水果,它有一种微妙的酸性,在你吃到中间的时候甜味会增强。)
  • 9、Some fruit juices are veryacidic.(有些果汁酸得很。)
  • 10、Too muchacidic food.(太多有毒食物。)
  • 11、The oil they produce is more viscous andacidic than the norm, and so harder to handle.(这些油田所产的石油比正常的更为粘稠更具酸性,而且更加难以进行加工。)
  • 12、At the same time, carbon dioxide absorbed by the oceans has made the oceans moreacidic.(与此同时,海洋所吸收的二氧化碳增加了海洋的酸性。)
  • 13、Water is getting warmer, moreacidic.(海水正在变得越来越温暖,越来越呈酸性。)
  • 14、If your soil is veryacidic, add lime.(如果你的土壤酸性很强,就加点石灰。)
  • 15、Carbonated drinks areacidic, and slightly safer.(碳酸饮料是酸性的,就更安全一些。)
  • 16、By the end of the century, the entire Arctic Ocean will be corrosivelyacidic.(到本世纪末,整个北冰洋将会呈腐蚀酸性。)
  • 17、The pulp of fruit is edible and tastes sweet andacidic.(果瓣跟剥开的蒜瓣相似,果肉可食,味道酸甜。)
  • 18、As formed underacidic conditions, hydroiodic acid (HI) is a stronger reducing agent.(由于在酸性条件下形成,氢碘酸(HI)是一种更强的还原剂。)
  • 19、As the ocean becomes moreacidic, it will be harder for corals to grow.(海水酸化将导致珊瑚更难生存。)
  • 20、Previous work has suggested that the oceans also becameacidic at this time.(之前的研究工作表明,那时海洋也被酸化。)
  • 21、Anacidic ingredient.(一种酸性成分。)
  • 22、Moreover, the new growing techniques are contributing toacidic soil conditions.(此外,这一新技术也会导致土壤酸化。)
  • 23、The gland in which the glue is generated is mildlyacidic.(只有在弱酸性的腺体中才能产生胶质。)
  • 24、Lead is more solvent inacidic water.(铅在酸性水中更易溶解。)
  • 25、Skin is naturally slightlyacidic and has a pH of 5.5.(皮肤具有天然弱酸性,pH值为5.5。)
  • 26、The interesting thing is that on Earth at least it needs highlyacidic water to form.(有趣的是,至少在地球上它需要强酸性的水来形成。)
  • 27、The TuanJie Mountain Copper-gold mine occurred in litmusless andacidic lava.(团结山金铜矿位于中性、酸性熔岩中。)
  • 28、The less-acidic environment that results becomes a better host for other methanogens.(这微酸性环境中也为其他产烷生物的存活提供了更好的条件。)



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