a set of造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 21:44:36


a set of造句

  • 1、A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, witha set of additional problems on top.(再婚家庭会面临正常家庭的所有问题,另外还有一系列其他问题。)
  • 2、He smiled suddenly, exposinga set of amazingly white teeth.(他突然一笑,露出一口雪白的牙齿。)
  • 3、The reel comes complete witha set of spares for all the working parts.(那个卷轴配有一套所有运行部件的备用件。)
  • 4、It usesa set of 400 different Tangram style shapes.(它使用了一套400种不同的七巧板造型。)
  • 5、Compare, for example, an English driver ata set of traffic lights with a Brazilian.(例如,比较一下在一组交通灯前的英国司机和巴西司机。)
  • 6、Their reasoning was based ona set of unstated assumptions.(他们的推理是以一系列未说明的假定为基础的。)
  • 7、The MSC has establisheda set of criteria by which commercial fisheries can be judged.(MSC已经建立了一套可以用来衡量商业渔业的标准。)
  • 8、a set of saucepans, I suppose, and frying pans.(一套炖锅吧,我猜,还有煎锅。)
  • 9、Each book, paper, or presentation that presentsa set of patterns introduces the pattern concept with a different slant.(那些展示了模式集合的每一本书、论文或展示都使用不同观点介绍了模式概念。)
  • 10、I boughta set of the new stamps on the date of issue.(我在新邮票发行的当天就买了一套。)
  • 11、Behind the differences in sex, skin tones and mother tongues, there are common attitudes, expectations and ambitions which risk creatinga set of clones among the business leaders of the future.(在性别、肤色和母语的差异背后,存在着共同的态度、期望和抱负,这些都有可能在未来的商界领袖中催生出一套复制品。)
  • 12、Why? Because that block identifiesa set of things that I'm going to do if the test is true.(为什么呢?因为该代码块指定了在测试正确的情况下,我将进行的一系列操作。)
  • 13、It is an attempt to deal witha set of weighty topics.(这是为解决一系列重要议题的一次尝试。)
  • 14、Alexander McQueen in 2010 releaseda set of armadillo shoes.(亚历山大·麦克奎恩在2010年发布了一套犰狳鞋。)
  • 15、How about we give the other studentsa set of questions to answer about what they suspect they waste every day?(我们给其他学生一组问题,让他们回答他们觉得自己每天浪费了什么东西,怎么样?)
  • 16、It'sa set of images that couldn't be more foreign or more alien to the prophetic mode of the old testament prophets.(这是一组不能再背离旧约先知的形象的一组比喻了。)
  • 17、As has already been pointed out, grammar is nota set of dead rules.(正如人们已经指出的,语法不是一成不变,墨守成规的。)
  • 18、As I said, in classical ballet, emotions are conveyed througha set of strictly formalized movements.(正如我所说,在古典芭蕾中,情感是通过一套严格形式化的动作来传递的。)
  • 19、Only after establishinga set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors.(只有在建立了一套理想的地点选择之后,公司才应该使用基于成本的因素来完善选择。)
  • 20、It would, however, be foolish to reduce art appreciation toa set of scientific laws.(然而,将艺术欣赏归结为一套科学规律是愚蠢的行为。)
  • 21、a set of keys swung from her belt.(她腰带上挂着的一串钥匙摆来摆去。)
  • 22、On his retirement, colleagues presented him witha set of golf clubs.(在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。)
  • 23、Something else you might use isa set of these knives, you know, carving knives, bread knives, steak knives, fruit knives, potato peeling knives.(你还可以用一套这样的刀,就像是:切肉刀、面包刀、牛排刀、水果刀、土豆削皮刀。)
  • 24、You can argue that learning another language well is more taxing than, say, learning to play chess well—it involves sensitivity toa set of complicated rules, and also to context.(你可能会说,学好另一门语言比学下好国际象棋要费力得多,它涉及到对一套复杂规则的敏感性,以及对环境的敏感性。)
  • 25、Many literary academics simply parrota set of impressive-sounding phrases.(许多文化人只是机械地模仿一套听上去令人印象深刻的说辞。)
  • 26、I once solda set of British furniture to a customer from Japan, but I didn't send him the furniture on time, which made me very embarrassed.(我曾经卖过一套英国家具给一个日本客户,但是我没有及时把家具寄给他,这让我很尴尬。)
  • 27、The students wrotea set of creative textbooks that includes five subjects Chinese, English, maths, chemistry and physics.(学生们写了一套有创意的教科书,包括语文、英语、数学、化学和物理五门科目。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 28、As a clergyman's son he'd imbibeda set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.(作为牧师之子,他从襁褓时就耳濡目染并接受了一套神秘信仰。)
  • 29、This is the kind of kite that has a wooden mask at the top of the frame—it's a mask of a human head—and you can clearly see it bas a tattoo and alsoa set of teeth.(这种风筝在框架的顶部有一个木制的面具——它是一个人头面具——你可以清楚地看到它有一个纹身和一副牙齿。)

a set of基本释义

a set of

英 [ei set ɔv] 美 [e sɛt ʌv] 
