1、The city boastsa wealth of beautiful churches.(该城引以为荣的是有大量漂亮的教堂。)
2、The Internet holdsa wealth of information on virtually any topic one could think of.(互联网为你能想到的任何话题提供了丰富的信息。)
3、You are supposed to participate in some international events to accumulatea wealth of practical experience.(你应该参加一些国际活动,积累丰富的实践经验。)
4、The team hasa wealth of home-grown talent.(该队有很多自己培养的人才。)
5、There isa wealth of young talent in British theatre.(英国戏剧界年轻一代人才辈出。)
6、In the forum,a wealth of neticizens still attacked Zhang fiercely.(在论坛里,看到不少网友依然对章子怡群起而攻之。) hAo86.com
7、The area hasa wealth of bird life.(这个地区栖息着大量的鸟。)
8、a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.(丰富的信息让人们注意力匮乏。)
9、The book includesa wealth of splendid photographs.(这本书有大量非常好的照片。)
10、There wasa wealth of supporting evidence.(有大量证据。)
11、There area wealth of papers, books and journal articles documenting these concepts.(有很多的论文,书籍以及学术期刊记载了这些概念。)
12、Fukuda bringsa wealth of administrative experience to his new job.(福田有丰富的管理经验。)
13、Careful excavation and documentation of layers in a mound can reveala wealth of information about the everyday life of a people in a settlement over many periods of occupation.(仔细挖掘和记录一个土堆的各个层次,可以揭示出丰富的信息,关于一个民族在许多次占领期在定居地的日常生活的信息。)
14、The Web hasa wealth of information and options.(网络上有成千上万的信息供选择。)
15、The site hasa wealth of tips, tutorials, and how-to videos.(这个网站有许多建议、指导以及示范视频。)
16、Studying the humanities will give youa wealth of analogies.(学习人文学科会使你学到大量的比喻。)
17、Rajasthan also hasa wealth of wells.(拉贾斯坦也有很多水井。)
18、If you keep on collection, in time you'll havea wealth of data.(只要你注意搜集,久而久之,资料就丰富了。)
19、They havea wealth of knowledge about the Web and how users interact with it.(他们有丰富的知识,在网络和用户互动方面。)
20、We will havea wealth of new knowledge as a result.(作为结果,我们将掌握新的知识财富。)
21、And 28g holda wealth of meaning.(和28g这样的命令拥有丰富的含义。)
22、There isa wealth of knowledge out there for us to learn.(有大量的知识,等待着我们去学习。)
23、Their websites containa wealth of information on the topic.(他们的网站上有大量与该主题相关的信息。)
24、We havea wealth of musical talent in this region.(我们在该地区有丰富的音乐人才。)
25、The Dunnings havea wealth of stories from the time they spent with Jackson.(邓宁斯有一段与杰克逊共同度过的宝贵的人生经历。)
26、After experiencinga wealth of powerful, well-timed friendship indicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a machine and might well come to regard it as a friend.(在体验了大量强大的、适时的友谊指示后,用户很可能不仅会把电脑看成是一台机器,而是把它当作朋友。)
27、Both of these sources offera wealth of information to be explored.(这两个来源提供了需要探索的大量信息。)