1、Recurrent asthma symptoms frequently cause sleeplessness, daytime fatigue, reduced activity levels and school and workabsenteeism.(周期性哮喘症状往往导致失眠、日间疲劳、减少活动量,不能上学和工作。)
2、The superintendent discharged him because of habitualabsenteeism .(由于经常旷工,监工把他开除了。)
3、Perhaps yourabsenteeism levels are going up, and more people are calling in sick.(或许,员工的缺勤率在上升,更多的员工打电话来请病假。)
4、absenteeism is one problem; brutality is another.(旷工是一个问题;残忍是另一个问题。)
5、Conscientiousness also tends to rise with age: older workers have lower levels ofabsenteeism than younger colleagues.(随着年龄增长,自觉性也有增加的趋势:高龄员工比年轻职员的旷工率更低。)
6、Cuba does not produce enough and its population is ageing. Theft andabsenteeism are rife in workplaces across the island.(古巴生产不足且人口正在高龄化,偷窃和旷职在全国各地职场屡见不鲜。)
7、absenteeism is a problem in some industries.(某些企业中存在经常有人旷工的问题。)
8、Some of your people will also need to bedismissed because of excessiveabsenteeism.(你的某些员工,经常旷工,因而也需要被开除。)
9、An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduceabsenteeism in our schools and workplaces.(一种创新的治疗方法引起了我们的注意,它有望大大减少我们学校和工作场所的缺勤现象。)
10、absenteeism and lateness hurt productivity and, since work was specialized, disrupted the regular factory routine.(旷工和迟到损害了生产力,而且由于工作是专门化的,这便打乱了工厂的正常工作程序。)
11、The participants were asked to measure their own productivity and sicknessabsenteeism after six months and then after 12 months.(在半年和一整年以后,工作人员要求受试者评估自己的创造力和因病缺勤次数。)
12、With employees faced with the dual demands of family and work, there will be increased tardiness andabsenteeism.(与员工面临的双重需求,家庭和工作,将增加迟到和旷工。)
13、A survey of primary health care facilities in Bangladesh found theabsenteeism rate among doctors to be 74 percent.(对孟加拉的基础医疗设施进行调查时发现,医生的缺勤率高达74%。)
14、absenteeism is common.(旷工则普遍存在。)
15、We predict this will dramatically reduceabsenteeism in our schools and workplaces.(我们预计,这将大大减少学校和工作场所的旷工现象。)
16、The big firm decided to do away withabsenteeism.(那家大公司决定消灭旷工现象。)
17、First, robots never get sick, soabsenteeism would be reduced.(首先,机器人从不生病,从而旷工将会减少。)
18、That is dreadful but not unusual: teacherabsenteeism rates are around 20% in rural Kenya, 27% in Uganda and 14% in Ecuador.(此情此景令人震惊,却又再平常不过:老师缺勤率在肯尼亚农村是20%左右,在乌干达是27%,在厄瓜多尔是14%。)
19、In developed countries, epidemics can result in high levels of workerabsenteeism and productivity losses.(在发达国家,流感流行可使大量工人不能上班,并使生产能力下降。)
20、Right out of the blue, seniors about to graduate suddenly become candidates for the Nobel Prize inabsenteeism.(而某日突然,临毕业的学生在旷课期间竟摇身一变,成了诺贝尔奖的候选人。)
21、Schoolabsenteeism can be a marker for poor medical care, or for inadequate management of a chronic illness, like asthma.(缺课可能由于是对孩子医疗护理不够,对慢性病,如哮喘没有引起足够的重视。)
22、More human resources departments are buying them for employees to reduceabsenteeism caused by illness.(更多的人力资源部门在为其员工购买这些产品,来减少由于生病导致的旷工情况。)
23、Just preparing for tomorrowabsenteeism time, rest.(只是准备明天旷课一次,休息休息。) 【好工具hao86.com】
24、His boss discharged him for habitualabsenteeism.(他的老板因他习惯性旷工而解雇了他。)
25、It's also a common cause of disability,absenteeism, and 'presenteeism, ' when people are at work but can't perform well.(“这也是失能,缺勤和“出勤主义”的共同原因,当人们工作时不能表现良好。”)
26、absenteeism and frequent work stoppage have greatly cut into the efficiency of the plant operations.(旷工和频繁的停工己经使工厂的工作效率大大减低。)