1、Many parents workall day long to provide their children with a good living condition, but their kids might want for nothing else but the company of their parents.(许多父母整日工作,想要为孩子创造好的生活条件,而他们的孩子却可能什么都不缺,唯独缺少父母的陪伴。)
2、Can't see himall day long?(整天都不见他的影子?)
3、Jane is staying in her studioall day long.(简整天呆在画室里。)
4、Since we talkedall day long, he was patient and polite to answer my mathematics questions.(因为我们谈了一整天,他很有耐心和礼貌地回答我的数学问题。)
5、Instead of doing any good, she does nothing but tease meall day long.(她除了整天取笑我之外,什么也不做。)
6、We had to waitall day long.(我们不得不整天等候着。)
7、I had to play gamesall day long.(我一整天都得陪着他们玩游戏。)
8、Beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled waterall day long.(饮料企业开始生产取自遥远山泉的瓶装水,现在人们在办公室整天都会不假思索地喝着这些瓶装水。)
9、Stay activeall day long.(保持活跃一整天。)
10、I'll get pinchedall day long!(一整天我都会被人捏的!)
11、I sit on my couchall day long.(我每天都坐在沙发上。)
12、He toiledall day long but earned very little.(他整天劳碌但挣得很少。)
13、It exposes him to oily smokeall day long.(这使他整天暴露在油烟中。)
14、Giving small children sweet drinks or bottles of fake juiceall day long is nothing less than child abuse.(整天给小孩子喝甜饮料或假果汁简直就是虐待儿童。)
15、We posted bulletinsall day long, because of course this isn't just something that happened in Australia.(我们整天发布公告,因为这不仅仅是发生在澳大利亚的事情。)
16、You are what you thinkall day long.(你整天想的是什么,你就会遇到什么。)
17、What gets me is having to do the same thingall day long.(使我感到烦恼的是整天都得干同样的事。)
18、There is no need to pick at himall day long. He's a child after all.(不要老是对他唠唠叨叨,他毕竟还是个孩子嘛!) 【好工具hao86.com】
19、The magpies callall day long.(喜鹊整天在喳喳叫。)
20、And we can do thisall day long.(我们可以一天到晚都做这个事。)
21、He is paid to grumbleall day long.(他是被雇来整天嘟囔的。)
22、I could sit and watch the riverall day long.(我可以整天坐在这里看那条河。)
23、I loved getting dirty, paddling canoesall day long and making friends to last a lifetime.(我喜欢变得脏兮兮的,整天划着独木舟,交朋友,我愿意这样过完一生。)
24、I never worked flat outall day long.(我从来不会整天工作,把自己弄得精疲力尽。)
25、She plays her radioall day long.(她整天开收音机。)
26、Not only did I have the chance to leave school, but I also could sit in my dad's taxiall day long and we would go to a restaurant for lunch.(我不仅有机会离开学校,而且我还可以一整天都坐在我爸爸的出租车里,我们会去餐馆吃午饭。)
27、Mrs. White prefers to some voluntary work in a local hospital, rather than do nothingall day long.(怀特太太宁愿在当地医院做一些志愿工作,也不愿整天无所事事。)
28、She plays and singsall day long.(她成天弹琴唱歌。)
29、He'd eat chocolateall day long if I let him.(我要是不拦着,他会整天不停地吃巧克力。)
30、The man had his horse runningall day long.(那个人让他的马整天跑着。)