1、Summer masksall manner of problems. The hot weather makes many things more pleasant.(夏季把种种问题都遮掩了起来,热天里任什么都让人乐颠颠的。)
2、This is where the Fed has already been inventive: printing money to buyall manner of assets.(美联储已经很有创造精神的通过印更多的钱来买下所有不良资产。)
3、And it can be an entire saying, including punctuation, Spaces, andall manner of characters.(它可以是整句话,包括标点符号、空格和所有字符样式。)
4、In 2006, Vista introducedall manner of fancy 3d effects including the Aero interface and Flip 3d.(2006年,Vista系统问世,所有样式均采用华丽的3d效果,包括Aero界面和Flip3d。)
5、People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, andall manner of casual attire for travel.(人们旅行时穿宽松长裤、运动衫、平底鞋和各式休闲服装。)
6、The problem can be solved inall manner of ways.(这个问题可以用各种方法加以解决。)
7、This markup's structure is arbitrary, and you can chooseall manner of alternatives.(这个markup的结构是任意的,您可以自由选择其他的方式。)
8、He playedall manner of games.(各种各样的游戏他都玩。)
9、A shockingly high number of children in the area have been born withall manner of birth defects.(这个地区出生儿童出现的各种各样的缺陷也非常高。)
10、And humans are not the only ones at risk:all manner of other animal and plant species could be affected.(并且人类并不是唯一受到威胁的动物,其它各种动物和植物都会受到影响。)
11、One phone call will also bring a fitness coach to your house, bringingall manner of fitness equipment with him.(打一个电话就可以把健身教练叫到家,同时送达的还有各式各样的健身器材。)
12、Over the millenniaall manner of styles and materials have been used for shoes.(数千年来,各种造型和原材料用于制鞋。)
13、They are strictly vegetarian and eatall manner of deep Fried food.(他们是严格的食素者,吃各种各样的油炸食品。)
14、This, however, ignoresall manner of abuses committed in military prisons.(然而,他所说的这些忽略了军事监狱中形形色色的虐囚事件。)
15、With the help of machine translation, we can discussall manner of subjects, even though we don't speak the same language.(在机器翻译的帮助下,即使我们所说的语言不同,我们可以讨论各种话题。) (hao86.com好工具)
16、Getting married often means buying a house, and houses come withall manner of hassles.(结婚经常意味着需要买一处住房,这难免会附带一系列的争论。)
17、Now, the term refers toall manner of knock-off, substandard or improvised goods, such as these makeshift vehicles.(现在这个词指代仿制品、不合格产品或简易制品,如改装汽车等。)
18、There will beall manner of dangerous conflicts - not least among the new emerging powers.(这个世界将会有各式各样危险冲突——尤其在新兴大国之间。)
19、Today, Cargill is involved inall manner of businesses, but its staple remains agriculture.(如今,嘉吉涉及了各方面的商务,但其支柱产业仍是农业。)
20、There are muttered insults, impatient outbursts, andall manner of curses not fit for print.(他们满口粗话,不耐烦的辱骂,还有各种各样的咒骂,不堪入耳。)
21、all manner of things were happening.(各种各样的事情都在发生。)
22、He collectsall manner of stamps.(他搜集各种各样的邮票。)
23、Nowall manner of electronics are abundantly available in China, but giving remains important.(现在,尽管中国的家用电器种类繁多且产量可观,但送礼依旧很重要。)
24、In the evenings,all manner of food smells waft down the corridors — stir-fried pork and tofu and greens.(到晚上,各种饭菜的气味飘荡在走廊——有炒肉、豆腐和绿叶菜。)
25、The same holds for the commission's internship programme, a stepping-stone forall manner of EU-related jobs.(同样的情况出现在欧盟委员会的实习生计划中。该计划被视为取得与欧盟相关工作的进阶石。)
26、In early March spreads began to widen alarmingly onall manner of debt.(三月初,这种影响已经蔓延到各种贷款方式上。)
27、But that decision would be fraught inall manner of other ways.(但是,这样的决定在其他方面困难重重。)