
admission to造句

admission to造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:23:43


admission to造句

  • 1、The chairman suffered the indignity of being refusedadmission to the meeting.(主席蒙受了被拒于会议之外的侮辱。)
  • 2、admission to the lecture is free.(讲座免费入场。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 3、Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and soughtadmission to the monastic life at the early age of 15.(安瑟伦出生在奥斯塔的勃艮第。15岁时他是个虔诚的孩子,一心向往修道院的生活。)
  • 4、But no one is getting this medicine unless they're really sick and in need ofadmission to the hospital or those more at risk.(但是除非那些病情严重需要住院的人或者有较高风险的人群,其他都不给开这种药。)
  • 5、It involved Allan Bakke, who believed he had been refusedadmission to a University of California medical school because he was white.(该法案波及到一位名叫艾伦·贝克的人,艾伦·贝克认为加州大学医学院拒绝了他的入学申请,是因为他是一名白人。)
  • 6、Price stability is one of the main criteria foradmission to the euro club.(价格稳定是加入欧元“俱乐部”的主要标准。)
  • 7、Last year the country wonadmission to the World Trade Organisation.(去年,它获准加入了世界贸易组织。)
  • 8、The city of Nanjing is offering coupons worth some $3 million for package tours or discountedadmission to scenic spots.(南京市发放了价值约为300万美元的景区套票或门票折扣券。)
  • 9、I have anadmission to make: I can't say "no" when a cute kid from the neighborhood comes around selling coupon books and discount CARDS.(我要承认:当小区里的一个可爱的小孩四处兜售优惠券册子和折扣卡时,我无法拒绝他。)
  • 10、While it was once a shamefuladmission to have a convict ancestor, today it is more likely to be seen as a badge of honour.(以往,要承认自家先人犯过罪纵然是一件丑事,但在今天则有可能被视为一种褒奖。)
  • 11、He died of respiratory disease on 24 September, two hours afteradmission to hospital.(他于9月24日在住院后两小时死于呼吸疾病。)
  • 12、And yet he cravesadmission to the eurogroup-not as a participant, he says, but as an observer.(然而他渴望进入欧元集团——不是作为一个成员,而是作为观察者。)
  • 13、2 weeks afteradmission to hospital, the patient's left leg pain had completely resolved, and the swelling went down gradually.(入院后2周病人左腿疼痛完全缓解,肿胀逐渐消退。)
  • 14、Even the story of Bush'sadmission to Harvard Business School, in early 1973, is an occasion for historical revision.(即使是早在1973年布什被哈佛商学院录取的故事书中也改写了历史。)
  • 15、No oral test will be required foradmission to that university.(上那所大学不必经过口试。)
  • 16、Ah, yes, but could so fantastic a pauper getadmission to the august presence of a monarch?(啊,不错,但是这样一个穷光蛋能得到国王庄严接见的机会吗?)
  • 17、Students apply foradmission to a particular college.(学生们申请某学院的入学许可。)
  • 18、The price ofadmission to the list is back up to $1 billion from 2009 when $950 million was enough to make the top 400.(上榜富豪的最低资产总值也回升到10亿美元,而在2009年,拥有9.5亿美元就足以进入前400名。)
  • 19、Once, it was assumed that an elite-college undergraduate degree was required foradmission to a top law or medical program.(以前,拥有一所精英大学的本科文凭被认为是被重点法律或医学学院录取的前提条件。)
  • 20、High-stakes tests are the main criteria foradmission to what are considered the most desirable schools.(具有高度利害关系的考试是进入好学校的主要标准。)
  • 21、She failed to gainadmission to the university of her choice.(她未获自己选择的大学录取。)
  • 22、They have also long hired tutors to prepare them for the tests they must take foradmission to a post-secondary institution.(他们雇佣辅导老师帮助孩子在大学入学考试中取得好成绩的历史也已经很久。)
  • 23、She had applied for deferredadmission to college.(她已申请延期入学。)

admission to基本释义