更新时间:2025-02-02 21:56:11
against all the odds造句
- 1、Against all (the) odds , he made a full recovery.(在凶多吉少的情形下,他终于完全康复了。)
- 2、But after spending Christmas day in an induced coma and three weeks in the paediatric intensive care unit, against all odds, Ruby made a miraculous recovery.(但Ruby在诱发性昏迷中度过圣诞并在儿科重症监护室度过三周以后,尽管磨难重重,竟奇迹般地恢复过来。)
- 3、against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming an actress.(她冲破重重困难,实现了当演员的梦想。)
- 4、Against all odds, they were, in a word, optimistic that the bucket might lead to something good.(总而言之,它们克服困难,积极乐观地认为此水桶里可能会有好东西等着它们。)
- 5、The odds against all theseproperties simultaneously having precisely the one value necessary for thisuniverse are quite literally astronomical.(所有这些性质同时精确地取到适合这个宇宙存在的值的概率简直是一个天文数字。)
- 6、Against all odds, however, all eight mastered the art of balancing business, family and self-and in a way that, from the outside, looks totally effortless.(但尽管困难重重,这八位创业者都成功掌握了事业、家庭和自我平衡的艺术,而且在外人看来,她们毫不费力便实现了这种平衡。)
- 7、The most prevalent use of the term social entrepreneurship, however, focuses on the role of the risk-taking individual who, against all odds, creates social change.(然而,社会企业家最普遍的用法是指那些甘愿冒风险的人不记成败地创造社会变化。)
- 8、I see young graduates struggling to find work today and perseveringagainst all the odds.(我看到今日年轻的毕业生很辛苦地找工作,坚定的对抗所有的困难。)
- 9、Most fittingly of all, it is time to remember the ordinary men and women who stood up in February 2011 against unspeakable odds to make their voices heard and tell Muammar that his time was up.(对大多数人来说,是时候该去记住那些在2011年2月站起来大声说出心声,并告诉卡扎菲他的时期结束了。)
- 10、Against all odds, people find it in themselves to rise up, stare down the guns and grasp freedom from their oppressors. It happened in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Yemen.(尽管困难重重,人民却感觉站起来了,怒目凝视下,枪炮败下阵来,人民从其压迫者那里获得了自由,在突尼斯,在埃及,在也门。)
- 11、But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds?(但是,我们能面对挑战而无所畏惧吗?)
- 12、So, then, all those years ago,against all the odds, I took the thinnest of all possible thin chances, and devoted myself to a life in science fiction.(于是,许多许多年前,我不顾所有人的反对,抓住一丝丝最渺茫的机会,将自己的一生投入科幻小说的事业中。)
- 13、against all the odds, a number of shape-shifting islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are standing up to the effects of climate change.(出乎所有人的意料,位于太平洋中心的几个形变岛屿站出来挑战气候变化所带来的效应。)
- 14、The phrase means undertaking a task despite all seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability. Often the chances of success are very low. Against all odds.(表示要冲破一切险阻去做某事,尽管这件事情看起来很有可能会失败。) Hao86.com
- 15、Against all odds, they both were trying to free their people from the shackles of the past.(不管成败如何,他们都试图把他们的人从过去的桎梏中解放出来。)
- 16、against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming a ballerina.(尽管有极大的困难,她还是实现了当芭蕾舞演员的梦想。)
- 17、The two wings of success are active and diligent endeavor and unrestrained manner against all odds.(积极勤奋的努力和不计成败的洒脱是成功的两翼。)
- 18、Against all odds, he finished the work.(尽管很困难,他仍完成了这项工作。)