
anything else造句

anything else造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:22:38


anything else造句

  • 1、Sally loved cars more thananything else.(莎莉爱汽车胜过其它一切。)
  • 2、He knows a good many things out of books but he doesn't knowanything else.(他知道很多书本里的知识,但其他的他什么都不知道。)
  • 3、Thank you.anything else do you want to buy?(谢谢。还买别的吗?)
  • 4、anything else refrigerator can do?(冰箱还有别的什么作用吗?)
  • 5、Is thereanything else?(还有别的事吗?)
  • 6、He asked, "anything else?"(他问:“还有别的事吗?”)
  • 7、Hmm.anything else?(嗯,还有其他事吗?)
  • 8、anything else we missed?(还有什么我们错过了?)
  • 9、Finally, not findinganything else in the manger, he tasted the hay.(最后,在马槽里找不到别的东西,他尝了尝干草。)
  • 10、The children matter more to her thananything else in the world.(对于她来说,在这个世界上没有比孩子更重要的了。)
  • 11、We're as skeptical about skepticism as we are aboutanything else we're likely to raise our eyebrows.(我们对怀疑主义持怀疑态度,就像对任何其他我们可能引起我们的注意一样。)
  • 12、Is thereanything else I can do for you?(还有别的事情需要我帮忙吗?)
  • 13、Apart fromanything else I was starving.(别的不说,我快饿死了。)
  • 14、Is thereanything else I can help?(还有什么我能帮忙的吗?)
  • 15、I don't wantanything else, thanks.(我不要别的东西了,谢谢。)
  • 16、Do you wantanything else?(你还想要点别的什么吗?)
  • 17、anything else do you want?(你还要其它什么东西?)
  • 18、"anything else?" Chris asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily.(“还有别的事吗?”克里斯问道。凯瑟琳疲惫地摇了摇头。)
  • 19、Haven't you gotanything else to wear?(你没有其他穿的了吗?)
  • 20、"I can't ever see us doinganything else," stated Brian pragmatically.(“我看不出我们还能做别的什么事情,”布赖恩务实地说。)
  • 21、Ryle accepted more out of curiosity thananything else.(赖尔接受更多是出于好奇心而不是别的原因。)
  • 22、Don't you haveanything else to do?(你没有别的事吗?)
  • 23、More thananything else, he wanted to become a teacher.(比起任何别的职业,他更想当老师。)
  • 24、You've got to help. Apart fromanything else you're my brother.(你得帮忙。别的不说,你总归是我兄弟。)
  • 25、Would you likeanything else?(你要点别的什么吗?)
  • 26、I can't imagine doinganything else with my life.(我无法想象我这辈子还能做什么。)
  • 27、Usually, you would just sit listlessly, too hot to doanything else.(通常,你只会无精打采地坐着,热得干不了别的事情。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 28、Do you haveanything else to do?(你还有什么事情要做吗?)

anything else基本释义

anything else

英 [ˈeniθiŋ els] 美 [ˈɛniˌθɪŋ ɛls] 

