
allow for造句

allow for造句

更新时间:2025-03-16 21:06:51


allow for造句

  • 1、When arranging our work, we shouldallow for unforeseen circumstances.(我们安排工作时要留有余地。)
  • 2、You canallow for extra pepperoni by having pepperoni appear as a topping twice in the same pizza.(你可以额外添加意大利辣香肠,在同一份比萨饼上两次添加意大利辣香肠。)
  • 3、This is toallow for unplanned emergencies.(这是用来允许出现计划外的紧急情况的。)
  • 4、When stretched horizontally, the pupilsallow for more light to enter from the front, back, and sides.(当瞳孔横向伸展的时候,更多的光能够从前面、后面和侧面进入。)
  • 5、Application serversallow for an enterprise-level integration.(应用服务器允许进行企业级集成。)
  • 6、That willallow for more accurate CT scans.(这就可以用于更加精确的CT扫描。)
  • 7、We mustallow for human error.(我们必须考虑到人为的失误。)
  • 8、The systemsallow for additional functionality.(该系统允许更多的功能。)
  • 9、allow for social time.(容许交际时间。)
  • 10、How much must weallow for the shrink?(要留多少缩水长度?)
  • 11、The results of the survey were weighted toallow for variations in the sample.(这次调查的结果进行了加权处理,以包容样本中的偏差。)
  • 12、Automatic control here shouldallow for smooth merging without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents.(此处的自动控制应该允许平滑合并,没有通常的不确定性和事故的可能性。)
  • 13、Some reactorsallow for online refuelling.(有些反应堆能够在线换料。)
  • 14、You have toallow for a certain amount of error.(你必须考虑到一定数量的错误。)
  • 15、allow for the cost, we have made a considerable fortune.(把成本算在内,我们也赚了一大笔。)
  • 16、Finally, choose network cables toallow for expansion.(最后,选择网线要考虑可扩展性。)
  • 17、These featuresallow for a disconnected mode of application.(这些特性允许应用程序采用非连接模式。)
  • 18、allow for character growth: Think of RPGs.(让你的角色成长:想想RPG游戏。)
  • 19、allow for extensible enumerated values after design time.(允许在设计阶段之后扩展枚举列表。)
  • 20、The project would deepen the river from 40 to 45 feet, toallow for larger ships.(这一工程将把河从40英尺加深到45英尺,以通过更大型的船只。)
  • 21、We have toallow for the possibility that we might not finish this project on schedule.(我们必须考虑到我们可能不能按时完成这个项目的情况。)
  • 22、Now imagine that weallow for OI.(现在设想我们允许运用OI。)
  • 23、Portalsallow for generation of dynamic content.(门户允许生成动态的内容。)
  • 24、Charge neutrality won'tallow for it.(电中性原则不允许这样。)
  • 25、allow for enough time on weekends to relax.(让周末有足够的时间放松。)
  • 26、Item renderersallow for the display of customized data.(项呈现器允许显示定制数据。)
  • 27、And it canallow for secure documents.(可以让文件更安全。)
  • 28、She bought a slightly larger size toallow for shrinkage.(她买了一件尺码稍大的以备缩水。)
  • 29、Theseallow for different kinds of interactions about our health needs without involving the medical team.(在不需要医疗团队参与的情况下,这些使我们的健康需求可以进行不同类型的交互。)

allow for基本释义

allow for

英 [əˈlau fɔ:] 美 [əˈlaʊ fɔr] 
考虑到; 顾及


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