1、Their sense of humour and ability to getalong with people are two characteristics that compensate for their lack of experience.(他们的幽默感和与人相处的能力是弥补他们经验不足的两个特质。)
2、She'll never getalong with him, I am sure of that!(她绝对不会和他和睦相处的,我敢肯定!)
3、In the 18th century art was seen,along with music and poetry, as something edifying.(在18世纪美术和音乐、诗歌一样被看作是具有启发作用的。)
4、The baby's mother escaped from the firealong with two other children.(这个婴儿的母亲和其他两个孩子一起从火里逃了出来。)
5、Six prisoners are still at largealong with four dangerous recidivists.(六名犯人与四名危险惯犯一起仍潜逃在外。)
6、He was facing eviction,along with his wife and family.(他及其妻儿正面临着被驱逐。)
7、"I don't think a government has properly done it for about the past twenty-five years."—"I'd goalong with that."(“我不认为在过去约25年里有政府妥善地处理过这个问题。”—“我赞同这一观点。”)
8、Singalong with the music player.(跟着音乐播放器唱歌。)
9、That blouse comesalong with this vest.(那件女式上衣和这件背心是一套的。)
10、We listen to children's shows on the radio, and Janey can singalong with all the tunes.(我们听着收音机上的儿童演出节目,珍妮能跟着所有的曲子一起哼唱。)
11、Singalong with the CD player.(跟着CD唱机一起唱。)
12、He camealong with some friends.(他和一些朋友一起来了。)
13、She is dashingalong with her speech.(她滔滔不绝地讲着她的演讲。)
14、Eventually, he was excommunicatedalong with his mentor.(最终,他与他的导师一起被革出教门。) Hao86.com
15、The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their wayalong with extreme caution.(那些女孩们害怕蛇,一路极其谨慎地看好每一步走。)
16、Female socialization emphasizes gettingalong with others.(女性社会化进程强调与他人和睦相处。)
17、She lost her job when the factory closed,along with hundreds of others.(工厂倒闭时,她和成百上千的其他人一样失去了工作。)
18、Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to goalong with.(不论多数人做何决定,我都准备好了遵从。)
19、The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad wouldn't goalong with that arrangement and said it would shut down completely.(芝加哥西北铁路公司不同意那项安排并说要彻底停止。)
20、She walkedalong with a spring in her step.(她迈着轻快的步伐向前走去。)
21、OK. You can comealong with me.(好吧,你可以跟我一起来。)
22、I don't goalong with her views on private medicine.(在私人行医的问题上,我不敢苟同她的观点。)
23、Fourth, we all readalong with the tape.(第四,我们都跟着磁带朗读。)
24、The government,along with the three factions that had been waging a civil war, signed a peace agreement.(政府和发动了内战的3方一起签订了1份和平协议。)
25、He decided to take his daughteralong with him.(他决定带女儿一起去。)
26、It's impossible to getalong with him.(不可能跟他和睦相处。)
27、I decided to playalong with her idea.(我决定假意听从她的意见。)
28、Open up your interpreter and codealong with me.(打开您的解释程序并和我一起编码。)