
更新时间:2024-08-27 23:59:59



  • 1、Random dismiss and wagearrears phenomenon is prevalent.(随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。)
  • 2、Thousands of its customers are inarrears with loans and mortgage payments.(有数千客户拖欠其贷款和抵押贷款还款。)
  • 3、Interest is paid inarrears after you use the money.(利息在你使用了这笔钱之后支付。)
  • 4、Do you want to elude economic failure orarrears?(你想不想逃避经济失败或拖欠?) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、More impressively, they also said that customerarrears had remained stable.(同时,两家公司还声称其客户违约率仍保持在稳定的水平,这更是难能可贵。)
  • 6、By the end of last year, one-in-five sub-prime borrowers were inarrears on their home loans.(到去年年底,高达五分之一的次级抵押贷款借款者拖欠房贷。)
  • 7、Many people are inarrears with their rent.(许多人都没有支付他们的房租。)
  • 8、I wish I could go with you but I really have to clear offarrears first.(我也希望我能够和一起走,但我必须先处理积压下来的工作。)
  • 9、It is three months inarrears.(他已经拖欠三个月了。)
  • 10、Payment on wagearrears and overdue basic insurance costs will be the priority of the resettlement fund spending.(在职工安置费用方面,将优先清偿所欠职工的工资及基本保险费用。)
  • 11、But "you can't collect taxes from unemployed people", so council-taxarrears amount to around 10m shekels.(但是,“你不能向不受雇用的人收税啊”,因此,议会的税收缺口总计一千万锡克尔。)
  • 12、After the 15th when your account has been inarrears for more than two weeks.(过了本月15日后,你已经欠款超过两个星期了。)
  • 13、More than half of the construction projects, enterprises are inarrears of the existence of the phenomenon.(一半以上的建筑业企业都存在被拖欠工程款的现象。)
  • 14、Although less than 0.5% of CHMC's mortgages are inarrears, such exuberance is a worry.(纵然仅有低于0.5%的CHMC抵押贷款存在拖欠的情况,但这样的繁荣仍让人忧虑。)
  • 15、Over 30 daysarrears on a mortgage or loan payment.(超过30天欠款的抵押或贷款金额。)
  • 16、Now wildly successful, it boasts over 2.2m customer accounts andarrears by volume of a minuscule 1.2%.(ProCredit银行现在非常的成功,她吹嘘拥有220万客户帐户,并且欠款额只有1.2%。)
  • 17、Rio state employees and pensioners are owed wages inarrears. Hospitals and police stations have been severely affected.(里约州的雇员和退休人员被拖欠了工资和养老金。医院和警察局也深受影响。)
  • 18、The droid's large infrared photoreceptors can detect most fleeing fugitives with accounts inarrears.(机器人的大型红外图像接收器能探测到大多数欠帐不还的逃跑者。)
  • 19、This priority also includes any dividends inarrears.(这个优先权也包括拖欠股利。)
  • 20、The new provision, which will take effect next April, also caps the limit on penaltyarrears.(依据新规,电子眼的设置点将对社会公布,交通处罚滞纳金也将设定上限。)
  • 21、They have promised to pay thearrears over the next five years.(他们已经保证在接下来的5年里付清逾期债款。)
  • 22、Well. My former manager was often inarrears of wages.(哦,我以前的老板也是,经常拖欠工资。)
  • 23、Construction funds not in place, it will be easier inarrears.(建设资金不到位,将可以更轻松的欠款。)
  • 24、Never have “arrears” proved so timely.(从来没有被证明的如此及时的“欠薪”。)
  • 25、Among all mortgage borrowers, 6% are behind on their payments; among subprime borrowers, 17% are inarrears.(在抵押贷款族里,有6%未按期付款,而次级贷款里则有17%逾期。)
  • 26、A significant chunk of the "real" lending may have gone into paying wagearrears.(“真实”信贷相当大一部分或许都被用于支付拖欠的工资。)
  • 27、Ms Loonin’s average client has a low-paying job, $30, 000 of debt and is inarrears.(DeanneLooni普通的客户都从事薪酬比较低的工作,平均拖欠30000美元的贷款。)
  • 28、We're two months inarrears with the rent.(我们拖欠了两个月的租金。)



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