
as good as造句

as good as造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:22:09


as good as造句

  • 1、Splurging doesn't feelas good as it used to.(挥霍无度不再像过去那样让人感觉良好了。)
  • 2、You will be pitted against two, three, or four people who are every bitas good as you are.(你将和两个、三个或者四个跟你一样好的人对决。)
  • 3、Teenagers often struggle with an overwhelming sense that nobody likes them, that they're notas good as other people, that they are failures, losers, ugly or unintelligent.(青少年经常在一种压倒性的感觉挣扎,在这之中,没有人喜欢他们,他们不如其他人好,他们失败、丑陋或愚蠢。)
  • 4、Our buildings are more modern and even their stinky tofu isn'tas good as ours.(我们的建筑更为现代,甚至他们的臭豆腐也没有我们的好。)
  • 5、Tofu isas good as medicine for lowing cholesterol(豆腐是一种类似低胆固醇的良药。)
  • 6、The acting skill of the player is not a quarteras good as his professional brothers.(那位演员的演技远远不如他的师兄弟们。)
  • 7、That's aboutas good as previous results using more precisely ordered materials.(这和之前使用更精确有序材料得出的结果一样好。)
  • 8、The crop looksas good as last year, and I've saved money on the pesticide.(作物长势与去年一样好,而且我还节省了买农药的钱。)
  • 9、So what ends up in your e-Reader is good but notas good as it might be.(所以,您得到的电子阅读器最终版本虽然不错,但还有改进的空间。)
  • 10、An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as 'almostas good as an outright win'.(一名助手已经开始将那位参议员的失败描述成“几乎是大获全胜”。)
  • 11、However,as good as these services are, there are simple steps we can take to keep them at bay.(然而,尽管这些服务很好,我们还是可以采取一些简单的步骤,使他们陷入困境。) haO86.com
  • 12、Rather concentrate on making British universitiesas good as possible.(倒不如集中精力把英国大学越办越好。)
  • 13、Some doubters fear this news may not beas good as it appears.(一些持怀疑态度的人担心这条新闻可能并非像其表面上那样美好。)
  • 14、I want to prove that I can teach myself a respectful profession, without going to college, and be justas good as, if not better than, my competitors.(我想证明,就算不去读大学,我也可以自学一门受人尊敬的专业,即使不会超过我的竞争对手,但也能做到和他们一样优秀。)
  • 15、In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to beas good as the classroom course.(康奈尔大学远程教学部eCornell的调查结果显示,只有不到三分之一的受访者认为网络课程的质量和传统课堂一样。)
  • 16、"We don't want people to think this isas good as human translation," he said.(“我们不希望人们认为这是人类一样的翻译好,”他说。)
  • 17、The future is so uncertain that one man's guess isas good as another's.(未来的事情很难臆测,大家都心中无数。)
  • 18、But they are onlyas good as the body who produces and takes care of them.(不过它们仅仅与生产并照顾它们的身体一样好。)
  • 19、“Girls are justas good as boys, ” he explained.(他说“女孩不比男孩差”。)
  • 20、I can't wait to see them. I'm wondering if the shots I took areas good as I thought.(我迫不及待地想看到它们,我想知道我拍的照片是否像我想的那么好。)
  • 21、The TV Tower isas good as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the London Eye.(电视塔与巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔和伦敦眼一样好。)
  • 22、I'm always trying to beas good as others, but I never seem to get there.(我总是想成为和别人一样好的人,但我似乎从来没有取得成功。)
  • 23、The journal isas good as it gets in terms of high-quality journalism.(《华尔街日报》在高质量的新闻报导方面尽善尽美。)
  • 24、I've seen most of his movies. Only a few areas good as his first one.(他的电影多数我都看过。只有少数几部能与他的第一部媲美。)
  • 25、Amazed at my classmates' fluent spoken English, I was determined to beas good as they were.(惊讶于我同学们的流利的英语口语,我下定决心要和他们一样优秀。)
  • 26、But pounding isn'tas good as cooking that steak, says Wrangham.(但捣烂的牛排并不如烹调的牛排那样好,阮格汉姆说。)
  • 27、When we isolate the compound we think works, it's notas good as the real foods.(当我们单独摄入自以为有效的合成物时,其效果并不像真正食物那么好。)
  • 28、I wanted to make my tart tasteas good as it looked.(我想让自己做的馅饼吃着和看着一样出色。)
  • 29、Since then, so many other examples have been discovered that it no longer makes sense to say that evolution isas good as irreversible.(从那以后,人们又发现了许多其他的例子;因此,“进化几乎是不可逆的”这一说法就不再有意义了。)

as good as基本释义

as good as

英 [æz ɡud æz] 美 [æz ɡʊd æz] 

无异; 几乎,实际上; 不亚于; 不啻