as with造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:22:05


as with造句

  • 1、as with any relationship, it's unusual to end it well.(与任何关系一样,妥善地结束它不是件寻常的事。)
  • 2、These diseases, however, many have as much to do with our way of life and our high-fat dietsas with excess weight.(然而,这些疾病与我们的生活方式、高脂饮食以及超重有很大关系。)
  • 3、as with JAXB, the binding USES interfaces.(与使用JAXB一样,绑定使用接口。)
  • 4、as with other Maori artistic traditions, kite-making involved certain rituals.(和毛利人的其他艺术传统一样,风筝制作也包括一些特定的仪式。)
  • 5、as with any household, you can learn much about the occupants by looking at their trash!(与任何家庭一样,您可以通过查看他们的垃圾来了解居住的是什么样的人!)
  • 6、Logic prevails on this oneas with dim lighting, busy people and highly flammable fresh paint on the set.(在这一点上,逻辑是占上风的,因为灯光昏暗、人们忙碌,而且现场的油漆高度易燃。)
  • 7、These fears are mostly exaggerated:as with hysteria about genetic modification, we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care.(这些担忧大多被夸大了:就像对基因改造的疯狂一样,我们人类通常足够明智,能够迅速而小心地处理这些问题。)
  • 8、as with all diseases, certain groups will be more at risk than others.(所有的疾病都是如此,一些人比另一些人更容易受到威胁。)
  • 9、These leaves may drop prematurely andas with bacterial spots can then cause sunscald.(这些叶子可能会过早掉落,并像细菌斑一样会导致日灼病。)
  • 10、as with automobiles, consumers in today's college marketplace have vast choices, and people search for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets.(就像汽车一样,当今大学市场上的消费者有着广泛的选择,而且人们在他们预算范围内寻找让他们最舒适、最满意的一个。)
  • 11、as with all gambles, it could go wrong.(至于所有的冒险,都可能出错。)
  • 12、Some systems, suchas with polyprotic acids, are amenable to spreadsheet calculations.(某些系统(例如带有聚质子酸的系统)适用于电子表格计算。)
  • 13、This is still a relatively new way of communication—something that has a huge amount of potential—but also,as with any invention, it brings with it a new set of problems.(这仍然是一种相对较新的交流方式——一种有巨大潜力的方式——但与其他发明一样,它也带来了一系列新的问题。)
  • 14、as with many technological revolutions, you are unlikely to be aware of it.(正如很多技术革命一样,你不太可能意识到它。)
  • 15、Butas with any study of this kind, it was unclear if that was the cause—or if breakfast-skippers were just more likely to be overweight to begin with.(但是,就像任何这类研究一样,原因尚未可知——即,还不清楚不吃早餐是否能导致他们更容易超重。)
  • 16、as with error correction, however, there's a limit beyond which messages become too ambiguous.(然而和纠错一样,这里有一个限制,超过后消息就会变得太模糊。)
  • 17、When they had parted at last, the uncle looked after them with his face shiningas with an inward light.(当他们最后分别的时候,大叔望着他们,脸上神采奕奕。)
  • 18、as with the bees, the broad sampling of options before a decision is made will usually result in a compromise acceptable to all.(就像蜂群一样,在做决定之前先进行广泛的抽样调查,通常能找到所有人都能接受的折中决策。)
  • 19、as with gingerbread men and gummy bears, the dilemma when served a locust is whether to begin eating it head or legs first.(就像吃姜饼的人和小熊软糖一样,吃蝗虫时的窘境是先吃它的头还是腿。)
  • 20、as with many gender gaps, differences in emotionality tend to be small, inconsistent, and dependent on the situation.(与许多性别差异一样,情感上的差异往往微小、不一致,而且取决于具体情况。)
  • 21、as with some of the other tribal groups in Yunnan, women carry firewood up the dirt paths and lug rocks at construction sites.(这里跟云南其他一些少数民族地区一样,女人在泥土路上扛着柴火,盖房子时拉石头。)
  • 22、as with Sisyphus, the boulder was painstakingly rolled upwards only to tumble back down again in an absurd exercise of futility.(和西西弗斯一样,巨石费力地向上滚动,结果又滚了下来,徒劳无功。)
  • 23、Content of the variables can change,as with PHP.(变量的内容可以更改,像在php中一样。)
  • 24、He has never felt so happyas with you and Heidi.(他从来没有像跟你和海蒂在一起这么开心过。)
  • 25、as with all new ideas it met with resistance.(和所有的新观念一样,它受到了抵制。)
  • 26、as with any technology, not all uses of AI will be for the better.(与任何技术一样,并非人工智能的所有用途都会变得更好。)
  • 27、With breast cancer,as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon.(就乳腺癌来说,如同许多常见病一样,目前还看不到明显的突破。)
  • 28、as with any vitamin or supplement, please consult your doctor before taking.(至于任何一种维生素或补品,服用前请咨询你的医生。)

as with基本释义