更新时间:2025-03-09 22:21:44
at the request of造句
- 1、In one of his most recent trials, conductedat the request of Wired, Srivastava identified six unscratched tickets as probable winners out of a set of 20 CARDS.(在他最近在《连线》杂志要求下进行的一项实验中,塔瓦从一组20张卡片中辨别除了6张未刮开的中奖彩票。)
- 2、To suit local needs and customs, housing plans were modifiedat the request of the communities.(为了满足当地的需要和传统,住房设计按照社区的要求进行了修改。)
- 3、One of the women, Hind, who is 31 years old, was not allowed into court because she refused to remove her niqabat the request of a police officer.(这位叫”海达“的31岁妇女,由于拒绝摘下niqab,不被允许进入法庭。)
- 4、at the request of Governor Arthur, COINS to the value of a hundred thousand pounds were sent out from England for the use of the colonists.(在亚瑟总督的请求之下,英格兰运来了上十万英镑的硬币来满足殖民地的需要。)
- 5、Coming to Chinaat the request of the Chinese side for settling claims;(应中方要求来华解决索赔问题的;)
- 6、at the request of the defense and prosecution, the Thursday hearing was delayed so a more thorough evaluation could be presented.(检方和辩方均要求进一步对嫌犯进行心理评估而申请延迟听证,法院同意了他们的请求。)
- 7、WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) are organizing this expert meetingat the request of the Codex Committee for Food Hygiene.(世卫组织和联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)应食品卫生法典委员会的要求正在组办这次专家会议。)
- 8、at the request of either party, the arbitral tribunal may take any interim measures it deems necessary or appropriate.(应一方当事人的申请,仲裁庭可以采取任何其认为必要或适当的临时措施。)
- 9、at the request of the teachers the professor will give us a lecture.(应老师们的请求,教授将给我们举办一次讲座。)
- 10、According to media reports, the head of General Motors, Rick Wagoner, has agreed to step downat the request of the White House, as part of a restructuring plan.(媒体报道说,通用汽车公司的总裁里克·瓦格纳已经同意,作为重组计划的一部分,他接受白宫提出的要他辞职的要求。)
- 11、James nodded and said that Cairo was in an adjoining room muzzledat the request of the Secret Service.(James点头,说Cairo在邻近的房间里,应特工的要求戴上了口套。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 12、A second committee was set up in 1966at the request of the Air Force to review the most interesting material gathered by Project Blue Book.(在1966年,由于空军想要复查BlueBook计划中搜集的最有意思的材料而成立了第二支委员会。)
- 13、The meeting was organizedat the request of Russia.(这次会议是在俄罗斯请求下举办的。)
- 14、The time limit may be extended for 15 daysat the request of the Requesting State.(经请求国请求,上述期限可以延长十五日。)
- 15、A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factionsat the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later.(如果一个人在双方的要求下同意充当交战双方的调解人,那么他就会同意以后站队的权利。)
- 16、This is why,at the request of Hermès, he incorporated the personal vision of contemporary Chinese artists in his work.(这也是为什么,在爱马仕的要求下,他在自己的创作中加入中国当代艺术家个人观点的原因。)
- 17、The Council metat the request of Serbia Thursday in anticipation of Kosovo's expected declaration of independence Sunday.(科索沃预计将在这个星期天宣布独立。就此,安理会星期四应塞尔维亚的要求召开了会议。)
- 18、The evacuation is being organizedat the request of the United Nations Secretary General.(应联合国秘书长的要求,该撤离正在进行中。)
- 19、These visits are generallyat the request of the client and can be effective in clarifying the certification process.(这些访问一般都是在委托方的要求下进行的,这样才能有效地说明认证过程是如何进行的。)
- 20、Paths and secondary roads were improved onlyat the request of communities who were willing to participate in construction and maintenance.(只有在那些愿意参与建设和保养公路的社区提出要求后,乡间小路和二级公路才有所改善。)